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公司因非法从印度尼西亚进口食品而被罚款 20,000 新元


新加坡:新加坡食品局 (SFA) 和移民与关卡局 (ICA) 周三(10 月 27 日)表示,一家公司因从印度尼西亚非法进口各种食品而被罚款 20,000 新元。

Reliable Transport & Logistic Services 的负责人 Hardinizam Khairuddin Muhammad 也因未能尽职调查防止犯罪而被罚款 15,000 新元。

10 月 21 日,ICA 官员在樟宜航空货运中心发现了该公司进口的“不明肉类产品”货物,他们没有有效的进口许可证。



当局表示,新加坡的食品进口必须符合 SFA 的要求。食品只能由获得许可的进口商进口,并且每批货物都必须申报并附有有效的进口许可证。


那些从未经批准的来源非法进口肉类产品的人将面临最高 50,000 新元的罚款、最高两年的监禁,或两者兼施。

未经许可非法进口新鲜水果和蔬菜的人可被处以最高 10,000 新元的罚款、最高三年的监禁,或两者兼施。

非法进口加工食品的罪行可处以最高 1,000 新元的罚款。

ICA 表示将继续进行安全检查,以发现和阻止走私企图,因为恐怖分子也可能使用类似的隐藏方法将安全物品走私到该国。


Company Was Fined S$20,000 For Illegally Importing Food From Indonesia


Singapore: The Singapore Food Authority (SFA) and the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) stated on Wednesday (October 27) that a company was fined S$20,000 for illegally importing various foods from Indonesia.

Hardinizam Khairuddin Muhammad, head of Reliable Transport & Logistic Services, was also fined S$15,000 for failing to conduct due diligence to prevent crime.

On October 21st, ICA officials discovered the cargo of “unidentified meat products” imported by the company at the Changi Air Cargo Center. They did not have a valid import license.

SFA found that the company illegally imported about 735 kilograms of meat and seafood products, 10 kilograms of fresh fruits and vegetables, and 503 kilograms of processed food from Indonesia.

Illegal goods seized.

The authorities stated that Singapore’s food imports must meet SFA requirements. Food can only be imported by licensed importers, and each batch of goods must be declared and accompanied by a valid import license.

“The source of illegally imported food is unknown and may pose a food safety risk. In addition, meat and meat products can only be imported from approved sources in approved countries that meet Singapore’s food safety standards and requirements,” they added.

Those who illegally import meat products from unapproved sources face fines of up to S$50,000, up to two years in prison, or both.

People who illegally import fresh fruits and vegetables without permission can be fined up to S$10,000, imprisoned for up to three years, or both.

The offence of illegally importing processed food can be fined up to S$1,000.

ICA stated that it will continue to conduct security inspections to detect and prevent smuggling attempts, because terrorists may also use similar concealment methods to smuggle safe items into the country.

SFA added that it will continue to work closely with border control agencies to prevent illegal imports from crossing the Singapore border.

Man Jailed For Moving Van Towards Woman After She Followed Him For Not Stopping At Zebra Crossing


Singapore: When she saw a van driver not stopping on the zebra crossing she was standing on, a woman followed him to the parking lot, confronted him, and put her hand on his windshield.

The man started his engine and pushed his vehicle forward. Although she yelled at him to stop, she still touched her three times.

Mazlan Ujod, 46, was sentenced to one month in prison on Wednesday (October 27) and was banned from driving for one year. He pleaded guilty to a charge of harm caused by reckless behavior endangering personal safety.

The court learned that the victim was about to cross the zebra crossing in Jurong West at 9.50pm on April 6, 2019, when she saw the defendant driving his van.

When he approached the intersection, she did not cross the road, but noticed that he did not stop at the zebra crossing. Instead, he drove into a parking lot near 492 Jurong West 41st Street.

The victim followed the vehicle because she wanted to confront the driver and check if he was drunk. When questioned, Mazlan said that he had not seen her because it was dark and he was not drunk.

The woman told him to wait for the police to come, but Mazlan said he was in a hurry and boarded his van.

The prosecutor said that because the woman did not want Mazlan to leave, she stood in front of his van with her hands on the windshield.

Mazlan started his engine and pushed forward, his van touching the woman’s thigh.

The victim moved backwards, and Mazlan pushed the van forward again and made contact with her again. The victim yelled at Mazlan, asking him to stop hitting her with the van.

Finally, after hitting the victim with his car again, Mazlan managed to drive away. The police arrived after Mazlan left.

The victim was taken to the hospital for treatment. As the leg pain did not go away, she came back a few days later and was kept under surveillance for a few days. She was diagnosed with a knee contusion and was granted hospital leave.

Mazlan’s lawyer requested clemency, saying her client had not been convicted before. She said that he is the only breadwinner in the family, and long-term imprisonment will make him unemployed.

The prosecutor said that Mazlan tried to shirk the blame on the victim, which showed his lack of remorse. However, she did not seek a compensation order because she pointed out that there was a “possibility of civil litigation.”

Mazlan was liable to imprisonment for up to one year and a fine of up to S$5,000 for causing harm due to reckless behavior endangering personal safety.





46 岁的 Mazlan Ujod 于周三(10 月 27 日)被判入狱一个月,并被禁止驾驶一年。他对一项因轻率行为危害人身安全而造成伤害的指控表示认罪。

法庭获悉,受害人于 2019 年 4 月 6 日晚上 9 点 50 分正要穿过裕廊西的斑马线,当时她看到被告驾驶他的面包车。

当他接近十字路口时,她没有过马路,但注意到他并没有在斑马线停下。相反,他开车进入了裕廊西 41 街 492 号附近的一个停车场。










马兹兰因轻率行为危害人身安全而造成伤害,最高可被判入狱一年和罚款最高 5,000 新元。

ASEAN Plus Three Nations Must Continue To Cooperate To Prepare For The Economic Recovery In The Pandemic: PM Lee


Singapore: Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Wednesday (October 27) that members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), China, South Korea, and Japan should continue to cooperate in “challenging times”.

At the 24th ASEAN Plus Three Summit, Mr. Lee stated that the prospects for cooperation among ASEAN Plus Three (APT) countries continue to be “promising”.

“These challenging times have once again proved the ability of APT countries to deepen regional cooperation and jointly respond to crises. We should meet these challenges and see them as opportunities to further develop our partnership,” Mr. Lee added.

He said that APT countries should continue to work together to prepare for the pandemic and prepare for economic recovery.

He pointed out that in fighting COVID-19 and preparing for a future pandemic, APT countries must continue to build public health capacity through cooperation, exchange of information and sharing of best practices.

“We look forward to making progress in the discussions on the APT Public Health Emergency Medical Supplies Reserve and the APT Epidemiological Task Force proposal, which will complement ASEAN’s efforts,” Mr. Lee said at the virtual summit.

“In addition to urgent health issues, the pandemic has caused damage to the mental health of our citizens. Singapore welcomes the adoption of the APT leaders’ statement on mental health cooperation. This addresses a related but often overlooked aspect of our people’s well-being.”

Speaking of preparing for economic recovery, Mr. Lee said that he is very pleased that Chiang Mai has proposed a further update of multilateralization this year to strengthen the “regional financial safety net.”

“We should also build on the “APT Leaders’ Statement on Strengthening APT Cooperation to Meet New Challenges in Economic and Financial Resilience” adopted last year. These efforts will not only reduce the impact of the pandemic, but also help prepare for the epidemic. Prepare. Safely reopen our economy and society,” Mr. Lee said.

“We can also use innovative digital solutions to do this. For example, by using the ASEAN Smart City Network (ASCN) to develop an interoperable platform to obtain mutually recognized health certificates (with vaccination status).”



新加坡:新加坡总理李显龙周三(10 月 27 日)表示,东南亚国家联盟 (ASEAN) 成员以及中国、韩国和日本应在“充满挑战的时代”继续合作。

李先生在第 24 届东盟加三峰会上表示,东盟加三 (APT) 国家之间的合作前景继续“充满希望”。


他说,APT 国家应继续共同努力,为大流行做好准备并为经济复苏做好准备。

他指出,在抗击 COVID-19 和为未来的大流行做准备时,APT 国家必须继续通过合作、交流信息和分享最佳实践来建设公共卫生能力。

“我们期待在关于 APT 公共卫生紧急情况医疗用品储备和 APT 流行病特别工作组提案的讨论中取得进展,这将补充东盟的努力,”李先生在虚拟举行的峰会上说。

“除了紧迫的健康问题,大流行对我们公民的心理健康造成了损害。新加坡欢迎通过 APT 领导人关于心理健康合作的声明。这解决了我们人民福祉的一个相关但经常被忽视的方面。 ”



“我们还可以利用创新的数字解决方案来做到这一点。例如,通过利用东盟智慧城市网络 (ASCN) 开发可互操作的平台,以获得相互认可的健康证书(带有疫苗接种状态)。”

一些在家康复的年长、脆弱的 COVID-19 患者将得到医疗队的探视


新加坡:在家中康复的弱势 COVID-19 患者将很快得到流动医疗队的探视。

卫生部 (MOH) 危机战略与行动小组组长 Dinesh Vasu Dash 先生说,这些患者包括老年人、患有多种合并症的人以及选择在家康复而不是去护理机构的人.

他在周三(10 月 27 日)说:“这几乎就像家庭疫苗接种小组一样,因此它是一个家庭医疗小组,将被部署来处理处于脆弱环境中的人。”


自 9 月 15 日以来,居家康复一直是症状轻微或无症状的 COVID-19 患者的默认护理模式。平均而言,每天约有 70% 的感染者在家中康复。

少数患者被排除在家庭康复之外,例如 50 岁及以上未接种或部分接种疫苗的人、80 岁及以上已接种疫苗的人以及一岁以下的儿童。




目前,在家中康复并且感觉不舒服的人可以使用远程医疗操作员。 Vasu 先生说,在提出远程医疗请求的人中,84% 的人在两小时内得到了回电。


该工作组在周三更新了该计划时说,在通过表格提交详细信息后的 24 小时内,超过 90% 的有资格在家康复的 COVID-19 患者会被联系以进行“入职”。


它补充说,已部署超过 450 名新加坡武装部队人员来支持家庭恢复计划,而最初的人数约为 200 人。

该工作组说:“对于个人来说,及时填写 COVID 阳性患者详细信息表非常重要,以便启动分类过程来评估他们是否适合家庭康复计划。”

卫生部的 Vasu 先生说,由于行政问题,例如患者没有正确填写手机号码,可能会出现一些延误。


Vasu 先生说,如果所有其他方法都失败了,地面交战代理,例如警察或辅助警察,就会被激活去敲门。但是,他补充说,此操作无法扩展。







大约两周前被拉进来帮忙的护理经理 Mohamed Firdaus Mohamed Akbar 说,他迄今为止面临的挑战之一是处理“在这段隔离期间非常、非常焦虑”的老年人。





Some Elderly, Fragile Covid-19 Patients Recovering At Home Will Be Visited By The Medical Team


Singapore: Vulnerable COVID-19 patients recovering at home will soon be visited by mobile medical teams.

Mr. Dinesh Vasu Dash, head of the Ministry of Health (MOH) Crisis Strategy and Action Team, said that these patients include elderly people, people with multiple comorbidities, and people who choose to recover at home instead of going to a nursing facility.

He said on Wednesday (October 27): “This is almost like a home vaccination team, so it is a home medical team that will be deployed to deal with people in vulnerable environments.”

“The forward-leaning team may be more helpful for on-site assessments rather than checking over the phone to see if they are all okay. Then at least we are sure that they can recover safely at home.”

Since September 15, home rehabilitation has been the default care model for COVID-19 patients with mild or asymptomatic symptoms. On average, about 70% of infected people recover at home every day.

A small number of patients are excluded from home rehabilitation, such as those 50 years and older who have not been vaccinated or partially vaccinated, those who are 80 years and older who have been vaccinated, and children under one year old.

Colonel Tong Yi Chuen, commander of the Family Recovery Task Force of the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF), elaborated on the need for such a mobile team. He said that they once encountered a family who could not consult a doctor remotely.

Then a team visited the home to facilitate the process.

“We also asked the doctor… to call the family for follow-up consultation. So I think that’s why we think these mobile teams will be very useful in some cases,” he said.

Currently, people who recover at home and feel uncomfortable can use telemedicine operators. Mr. Vasu said that 84% of those who requested telemedicine received a call back within two hours.

Family recovery
The family recovery plan faced initial problems in the first few weeks of its launch, and residents complained about the lack of clear instructions from the authorities.

When the working group updated the plan on Wednesday, it said that within 24 hours of submitting details through the form, more than 90% of COVID-19 patients who are eligible to recover at home will be contacted for “onboarding”.

The working group stated that family rehabilitation partners, including full-time members of the Singapore Armed Forces National Service and regular customers, contacted the positive cases by phone to confirm their eligibility and formally include them in the plan.

It added that more than 450 members of the Singapore Armed Forces have been deployed to support the family recovery plan, while the initial number was about 200.

The working group said: “It is very important for individuals to fill in the detailed information form for COVID-positive patients in a timely manner in order to initiate the classification process to assess whether they are suitable for family rehabilitation programs.”

Mr. Vasu from the Ministry of Health said that due to administrative problems, such as patients not filling in their mobile phone numbers correctly, there may be some delays.

“Usually, people get into trouble because they enter the wrong phone number, etc., and the team has been working hard to find multiple ways to contact,” he added.

Mr. Vasu said that if all other methods fail, ground combatants, such as police or auxiliary police, will be activated to knock on the door. However, he added that this operation cannot be extended.

“Therefore, we need the information provided to us with a high degree of accuracy,” he said.

When patients say that they cannot self-isolate, they can actually or change their minds about going to a nursing facility, and problems will also arise.

He explained: “This type of thing does increase administrative burdens and can also lead to inefficiency.”

The role of family recovery partner and nursing manager
The working group stated that during the entire family rehabilitation process, if there are any questions, individuals can call the hotline to contact family rehabilitation partners.

The working group stated that callers will be given a menu of options and their queries will then be routed to the correct parties so that their problems can be resolved “more quickly and appropriately.”

In addition to family rehabilitation partners, there is also a group of public service personnel designated as nursing managers. The working group added that they will follow up with those who are assessed to need additional support, such as the elderly.

Mohamed Firdaus Mohamed Akbar, a nursing manager who was pulled in to help about two weeks ago, said that one of the challenges he has faced so far is dealing with elderly people who are “very, very anxious during this period of isolation”.

He said that some of them live alone and have health problems, adding that they are worried about what will happen and who they should contact.

“They are also worried about their relatives because some of them are also caregivers,” he said.

In this case, he said that he would call them in the next few days to check their condition and learn about their mental and physical coping styles.

“Anyone who has experienced this isolation is always eager to see it end,” he said.




周三(10 月 27 日),这名 17 岁的男子被控上法庭。由于他未满 18 岁,因此无法命名。

在这两起事件中,他被指控违反 COVID-19 法规和公园和树木法规的五项指控。

第一次,大约在 6 月 2 日上午 9 点 05 分,这名少年被指控在武吉巴督镇公园与其他家庭的五人会面,钓鱼和使用狩猎装置。

第二次发生在 6 月 16 日凌晨。这名少年被指控在当天凌晨 3 点 18 分离开家,并且在公园时未能与其他七人保持 1 米的距离。据称,他还没有戴口罩,而是用钓鱼竿钓鱼。


这名少年打算认罪,并将于 12 月返回法庭这样做。

如果因违反 COVID-19 规定而被定罪,他可能会被判处最高六个月的监禁、最高 10,000 新元的罚款,或两者兼施。

在公共公园使用狩猎设备捕捉鱼,每次收费最高可被罚款 5,000 新元。

Teenager Charged With Illegal Fishing In Bukit Batok Town Park Without Wearing A Mask Or Maintaining Social Distancing


Singapore: A teenager was accused of illegally fishing in Bukit Batok Town Park (also known as Little Guilin), once with five other people and a second time with seven others.

On Wednesday (October 27), the 17-year-old man was charged in court. Since he is under 18, he cannot be named.

In these two incidents, he was charged with five charges of violating COVID-19 regulations and parks and trees regulations.

For the first time, at about 9:05 am on June 2, the teenager was accused of meeting five other family members at the Bukit Batok Town Park, fishing and using hunting gear.

The second time occurred in the early morning of June 16. The teenager was accused of leaving home at 3:18 in the morning and failed to maintain a distance of 1 meter from the other seven people while in the park. Allegedly, he did not wear a mask, but used a fishing rod to fish.

Fishing is not allowed in Bukit Batok Town Park. According to regulations, without approval, no one is allowed to use any hunting equipment to catch any animals in public parks.

The teenager intends to plead guilty and will return to court in December to do so.

If he is convicted of violating COVID-19 regulations, he may be sentenced to up to six months in prison, a fine of up to S$10,000, or both.

The use of hunting equipment to catch fish in public parks can result in a fine of up to S$5,000 per charge.