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亚马逊将在亚洲广场开设新办事处,在新加坡创造 200 多个工作岗位


新加坡:亚马逊正计划扩大其在新加坡的本地劳动力,因为它的目标是通过其位于亚洲广场的新办事处增加 200 多个工作岗位。

这家在线零售商在周三(10 月 27 日)的新闻稿中表示:“该公司计划在其消费者业务和企业职能部门扩大其本地劳动力,目前在新加坡有 110 多个职位空缺。”

亚马逊还计划到 2022 年底为新加坡的这些部门增加 200 多个新工作岗位,以扩大其在该国的产品范围,并为当地企业走向全球提供更多支持。

该公司表示,自 2019 年以来,它已在新加坡创造了 1,000 多个直接工作岗位,迄今为止拥有约 2,000 名全职和兼职员工。

亚马逊的新办公室位于滨海湾的亚洲广场,三层楼的面积将超过 100,000 平方英尺。它将容纳来自消费者业务和企业职能部门的多达 700 名员工。

新办公室将容纳 30 多个团队,包括支持 Amazon.sg、Amazon Fresh、亚马逊广告、Prime Video、卖家支持以及其他区域公司职能的员工。

亚马逊表示:“随着亚马逊在新加坡的业务、运营和投资不断增长,新办公室名为 SIN16,旨在优化敏捷的工作、学习和协作。”

亚马逊新加坡区域经理 Henry Low 表示,该公司的新办公室展示了其在新加坡投资的“持续承诺”,以及新加坡成为全球数字经济领导者的长期潜力。


该公司自 2010 年以来一直是新加坡的投资者,该国是其在东南亚的首个业务。



Amazon Will Open A New Office In Asia Square, Creating More Than 200 Jobs In Singapore


Singapore: Amazon is planning to expand its local workforce in Singapore because it aims to add more than 200 jobs through its new office in Asia Square.

The online retailer stated in a press release on Wednesday (October 27): “The company plans to expand its local workforce in its consumer business and corporate functions. There are currently more than 110 job vacancies in Singapore.”

Amazon also plans to add more than 200 new jobs to these departments in Singapore by the end of 2022 to expand its product range in the country and provide more support for local companies to go global.

The company said that since 2019, it has created more than 1,000 direct jobs in Singapore and has about 2,000 full-time and part-time employees to date.

Amazon’s new office is located in Asia Square in Marina Bay, and the three-story building will exceed 100,000 square feet. It will accommodate up to 700 employees from consumer business and corporate functions.

The new office will house more than 30 teams, including employees who support Amazon.sg, Amazon Fresh, Amazon Advertising, Prime Video, seller support, and other regional company functions.

Amazon said: “As Amazon’s business, operations and investment in Singapore continue to grow, the new office is called SIN16, which aims to optimize agile work, learning and collaboration.”

Henry Low, Amazon Singapore’s regional manager, said that the company’s new office demonstrates its “continued commitment” to invest in Singapore and Singapore’s long-term potential to become a leader in the global digital economy.

Minister of Trade and Industry Yan Jinyong, who attended the opening ceremony on Wednesday, said that Amazon has always been an important partner in supporting the local business community and helping to develop the Singapore ecosystem.

The company has been an investor in Singapore since 2010, the country being its first business in Southeast Asia.

“In addition to supporting our SMEs, Amazon has also created many good job opportunities for Singaporeans in technology and non-tech positions in the technology sector,” Mr. Gan said.

He added that as Amazon continues to expand its business in the country, he believes that more Singaporeans will benefit from these opportunities.

FAQ: What Do You Need To Know Before Buying A Prime Location BTO Flat


Singapore: The Ministry of National Development (MND) and the Housing and Development Board (HDB) on Wednesday (October 27) announced the details of a new housing model that will build public housing in the center of a prime location.

Under the new housing model, build-to-order (BTO) apartments-prime location public housing (PLH)-will be built in areas such as the city center and the Great Southern Waterfront.

Before buying a BTO apartment in these places, you need to know the following:

Q: Who is eligible to buy BTO apartments in prime locations?

The qualifications for buying BTO units in prime locations from the HDB will be the same as the current conditions for BTO units.

However, the priority allocation quota for the Married Children Priority Plan will be reduced. Currently, the program provides up to 30% of BTO units for those who wish to live with parents or children in the area or live nearby.

MND and the Housing and Development Board said in a press release that the reduced quota makes public housing in these areas more inclusive and provides more opportunities for Singaporeans whose family members do not live near the area to also live in these communities.

Looking ahead, the quota of the PLH project will be adjusted according to its location.

Q: How does the extra subsidy work?

Since apartments in these prime locations “naturally gain a higher market value”, in addition to the subsidies currently provided for all BTO apartments, the pricing of these units will also receive additional subsidies.

However, future owners of such apartments will pay HDB a certain percentage of the resale price of the units, so that the authorities can “fairly recover the scope of the additional subsidies originally given.”

“The subsidy recovery rate will reflect the level of additional subsidies provided at the time of launch, and the same rate will be applied regardless of when the apartment is resold in the future,” MND said in response to CNA’s inquiry.

More details, including the subsidy recovery percentage, will be announced during the BTO exercise in November.

Q: Can I sell my apartment? when?

Future owners of BTO condominiums in prime locations must fulfill a 10-year minimum occupancy period (MOP) before they can sell their condominiums on the open market or purchase private residential properties.

This 10-year MOP is twice that of a typical BTO project.

They can also only be sold to resale buyers who meet the current BTO eligibility criteria (such as income ceiling).

MND stated: “Sellers who are trying to set prices for subsidized recovery based on sales prices, hoping to get the most benefit, may find that their potential buyer base is smaller.”

The ministry added that sellers need to have “realistic expectations” when determining the price of an apartment.

Those buying resale apartments also need to consider the impact of additional ownership conditions, such as extended MOP and rent restrictions.

Q: Can I rent out my apartment?

Those who buy such units in prime locations are not allowed to rent out the entire unit even after MOP.

They will only be allowed to rent out spare bedrooms.

These conditions will apply to those who purchased the unit from HDB, as well as all subsequent buyers in the resale market.

Q: Where will these apartments be built?

The PLH model will apply to “selected” public housing projects located in prime locations and central locations, such as the city center and surrounding areas, including the Great Southern Waterfront.

The first project launched in this mode will be held in Rochor next month.

Located along Kelantan Road and Welding Road, it will provide 960 three- and four-bedroom units and 40 two-bedroom rental units in the same block.

“In order to maintain the inclusiveness and diversity of our public housing, we will build public rental apartments where feasible as part of PLH,” MND said.

It added that the exact arrangement will vary from project to project.

There are plans to launch at least one PLH project every year, but the specific number and proportion of the total supply of new apartments may vary from year to year due to factors such as site availability.

Q: Have you discussed the PLH model with other owners?

The PLH model was launched after 10 months of public participation from November 2020 to September 2021.

MND and HDB stated that more than 7,500 Singaporeans, including first-time home buyers, existing homeowners, industry experts and academics, shared their views on the new model.

MND and HDB stated: “Across a wide range of perspectives and perspectives, Singaporeans recognize that each measure has its advantages and trade-offs and requires a balanced approach.”

“Most Singaporeans say that it is fair for the government to introduce new policy conditions.”

常见问题:在购买黄金地段 BTO 公寓之前您需要了解什么


新加坡:国家发展部 (MND) 和住房和发展委员会 (HDB) 周三(10 月 27 日)宣布了一种新住房模式的详细信息,该模式将在黄金地段中心地区建造公共住房。

新住房模式下的按订单建造 (BTO) 公寓——黄金地段公共住房 (PLH)——将建在市中心和大南部海滨等地区。

在这些地方购买 BTO 公寓之前,您需要了解以下内容:

问:谁有资格购买黄金地段的 BTO 公寓?

从建屋局购买黄金地段的 BTO 单位的资格条件将与 BTO 单位的现行条件相同。

然而,已婚子女优先计划的优先分配名额将会减少。目前,该计划为那些希望与该地区的父母或子女住在一起或住在附近的人提供高达 30% 的 BTO 单位。

MND 和建屋发展局在一份新闻稿中说,减少的配额使这些地区的公共住房更具包容性,并为家庭成员不住在该地区附近的新加坡人提供更多机会也住在这些社区。

展望未来,PLH 项目的配额将根据其位置进行调整。


由于这些黄金地段的公寓“自然会获得更高的市场价值”,因此除了目前为所有 BTO 公寓提供的补贴之外,这些单位的定价还将获得额外补贴。


“补贴回收率将反映推出时提供的额外补贴的程度,无论未来何时转售公寓,都将适用相同的费率,”MND 在回应 CNA 的询问时表示。

更多细节,包括补贴回收百分比,将在 11 月的 BTO 演习中公布。


黄金地段的 BTO 公寓的未来业主必须履行 10 年的最低占用期 (MOP),才能在公开市场上出售其公寓或购买私人住宅物业。

这个 10 年 MOP 是典型 BTO 项目的两倍。

他们也只能出售给符合现行 BTO 资格条件(例如收入上限)的转售买家。

MND 表示:“试图以销售价格为补贴复苏定价的卖家,希望获得最大收益,可能会发现他们的潜在买家群更小。”


购买转售公寓的人还需要考虑额外所有权条件的影响,例如延长的 MOP 和租金限制。


那些在黄金地段购买此类单位的人,即使在 MOP 之后,也不得出租整套单位。


这些条件将适用于从 HDB 购买该单位的人,以及转售市场上的所有后续买家。


PLH 模式将适用于位于黄金地段和中心位置的“选定”公共住房项目,例如市中心和周边地区,包括大南部滨水区。


位于吉兰丹路和焊接路沿线,将在同一街区内提供 960 个三房和四房单位,以及 40 个两房出租单位。

“为了保持我们的公共住房的包容性和多样性,我们将在可行的情况下建造公共出租公寓,作为 PLH 的一部分,”MND 说。


有计划每年至少推出一个 PLH 项目,但具体数量和占新公寓供应总量的比例可能会因场地可用性等因素而逐年不同。

问:是否与其他业主讨论过 PLH 模型?

PLH 模型是在 2020 年 11 月至 2021 年 9 月的 10 个月公众参与之后推出的。

MND 和建屋发展局表示,包括首次购房者、现有房主、行业专家和学者在内的 7,500 多名新加坡人分享了他们对新模式的看法。

MND 和 HDB 表示:“跨越广泛的观点和观点,新加坡人认识到每项措施都有其优点和权衡,需要采取平衡的方法。”


Singapore Welcomes Australia’s Assurance That AUKUS Will Promote “Stability And Security” In The Asia-Pacific Region: PM Lee


Singapore: Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Wednesday (October 27) that Singapore welcomes Australia’s assurance that its recent defense agreements with the United States and the United Kingdom will meet multiple standards, including the promotion of a “stable and secure” Asia-Pacific region. ).

At the first ASEAN-Australia summit, Mr. Lee talked about the trilateral agreement AUKUS between the three countries, and pointed out that ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) and Australia have similar strategic regional prospects.

“Singapore welcomes support for the centrality of ASEAN, deepening economic integration, promoting a stable and secure Asia-Pacific region and a new regional structure based on a rule-based order, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,” Mr. Lee said in a virtual meeting.

“We welcome Australia’s assurance that its AUKUS partnerships with the United States and the United Kingdom will meet these standards.”

Mr. Lee pointed out that the relationship between ASEAN and Australia is “broad and multifaceted”, covering all three pillars of the ASEAN Community.

“We thank Australia for actively participating in ASEAN because Singapore agrees in principle to Australia’s proposal to upgrade its relationship with ASEAN to a comprehensive strategic partnership (CSP) and encourages our officials to continue discussions,” he said.

“We also welcome Australia’s announcement of its contribution to ASEAN through the Australia Promotion of ASEAN Futures Initiative.”

Relationship between ASEAN and Japan

At the 24th ASEAN-Japan Summit held earlier in the morning, Mr. Lee pointed out that ASEAN and Japan have made considerable progress since the establishment of dialogue relations in 1973.

“We have built a solid foundation of trust, mutual respect and friendship,” he explained.

“The two sides have carried out extensive cooperation in the fields of counter-terrorism, cyber security, maritime security, public health, climate change, infrastructure and smart cities.”

At the same time, it is necessary to continue to expand cooperation between ASEAN and Japan, Mr. Lee said.

“We welcome the second iteration of the ASEAN-Japan Climate Change Action Agenda, which will strengthen the region’s ability to respond to climate change, help ASEAN decarbonize and implement nature-based solutions,” he added.

“I thank Japan for the projects initiated so far, and look forward to cooperating on more practical projects in the future.”

新加坡欢迎澳大利亚保证 AUKUS 将促进亚太地区的“稳定和安全”:李总理


新加坡:新加坡总理李显龙周三(10 月 27 日)表示,新加坡欢迎澳大利亚保证其最近与美国和英国达成的防务协议将符合多项标准,包括促进“稳定和安全”的亚太地区。 )。


“新加坡欢迎支持东盟中心地位、深化经济一体化、促进稳定和安全的亚太地区和基于规则的秩序的新区域架构,包括 1982 年的联合国海洋法公约,”李先生在虚拟会议。

“我们欢迎澳大利亚保证其与美国和英国的 AUKUS 伙伴关系将符合这些标准。”





在上午早些时候举行的第 24 届东盟-日本峰会上,李先生指出,东盟与日本自 1973 年建立对话关系以来取得了长足的进步。






Man Fined For Punching And Kicking Pregnant Girlfriend In Pregnancy Dispute


Singapore: A few days after going to the clinic to confirm that his girlfriend was nine weeks pregnant, a man had an argument with her while discussing pregnancy and attacked her abdomen.

On Monday (October 25), 24-year-old Shawn Tan Jia Jun was fined S$3,500 after pleading guilty to a crime of voluntary injuring.

The fetus was fine after the attack, but his girlfriend later miscarried. The court was informed that the couple planned to get married before the end of the year, and the judge believed that this proved the victim’s forgiveness to the defendant.

The court learned that Tan and his 24-year-old girlfriend went to a clinic on July 10 last year for a pregnancy test.

The doctor told them that the victim had been pregnant for nine weeks and asked her if she wanted to continue her pregnancy or if she had a miscarriage. She was told to make a decision before July 17 because of the risk of further medical complications.

On July 14, the victim visited Tan and stayed overnight. The next day, they had a dispute while discussing pregnancy. Tan and the victim yelled at each other. Tan pushed the victim onto the bed, then punched and kicked her in the abdomen many times.

The commotion was heard by Tan’s mother, and she stopped arguing. The victim then called a friend who accompanied her out of the apartment.

Later that day, the victim sought treatment in the emergency department of a hospital with facial pain and bruises on his limbs. She was diagnosed with facial bruises and facial redness, and was later discharged from the hospital on sick leave.

A bedside ultrasound performed on the victim revealed an active heartbeat in the fetus.

The victim reported the assault to the police, but later tried to withdraw the charges.

The situation surrounding the natio

Defence Cites Circumstances Surrounding Incident
Defense lawyer Terence Yeo demanded a fine on the grounds that the victim was “minorly injured”, the quarrel was short in duration, and the circumstances of the incident.

Speaking of “the elephant in the room,” he said that the victim had aborted the baby. He said that this is not a situation where his client has a clear intention to harm or harm the victim.

The judge pointed out that the victim’s intention to marry the defendant before the end of the year was the “most obvious form of forgiveness.”

She agreed with the prosecutor that these actions would not only harm the victim, but also the unborn baby, but pointed out that this was Tan’s first crime and there were “some mitigating factors”.

The judge said: “Yes, this is a family dispute, but it may be due to pregnancy and a decision must be made within a short period of time.”

“For me, what stands out is that the victim may indeed accept the fact that he didn’t intentionally harm her in a malicious sense…It was spontaneously generated during the dispute,” she added.

For voluntarily causing injury, Chen Ke was sentenced to up to three years in prison, a fine of up to S$5,000, or both.




周一(10 月 25 日),24 岁的 Shawn Tan Jia Jun 在承认一项自愿造成伤害的罪名后,被处以 3,500 新元的罚款。


法庭获悉,Tan 和他同样 24 岁的女友于去年 7 月 10 日到一家诊所进行妊娠试验。

医生告诉他们,受害者已经怀孕九周,并问她是要继续怀孕还是要流产。她被告知要在 7 月 17 日之前做出决定,因为可能会有进一步的医疗并发症风险。

7 月 14 日,受害者探访了 Tan 并过夜。第二天,他们在讨论怀孕时发生了争执。谭和受害者互相吼叫,谭将受害者推倒在床上,然后多次拳打脚踢她的腹部。





辩护律师 Terence Yeo 要求罚款,理由是受害者“受轻伤”、争吵持续时间很短以及事件发生的情况。



她同意检察官的观点,即这些行为不仅会伤害受害者,还会伤害未出生的婴儿,但指出这是 Tan 的第一次犯罪,并且存在“一些减轻处罚的因素”。



因自愿造成伤害,陈可被判处最高三年监禁、最高 5,000 新元罚款,或两者兼施。

Singapore’s core inflation continues to edge up in September


Singapore: According to official data on Monday (October 25), consumer prices in Singapore continued to rise in September, partly due to higher food and electricity and natural gas prices.

Core inflation-excluding accommodation and private transportation costs-rose slightly to 1.2% year-on-year, up from 1.1% in August.

At the same time, according to data from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and the Ministry of Trade, the headline consumer price index or headline inflation rate rose slightly to 2.5% in September from 2.4% in August. And Industry (MTI).

MAS and MTI stated that this reflects higher inflation in accommodation and food.

Food prices, electricity and natural gas prices are rising
The food inflation rate in September rose to 1.6% from 1.5% in August, because the prices of non-cooked and prepared foods rose slightly.

Electricity and natural gas prices rose even more sharply, from 9.7% in August to 9.9%. MAS and MTI stated that this was due to the larger increase in the average electricity price paid by households under the open electricity market.

The cost of retail and other commodities remained negative, declining by 1.1% at the same rate. The authorities stated that the smaller declines in the prices of clothing and footwear were largely offset by lower inflation rates for personal items and larger declines in the prices of non-durable household items.

Accommodation increases, private transportation remains unchanged
Accommodation prices in September rose to 1.9% from 1.7% in August. MAS and MTI stated that this is due to the faster increase in housing rents.

As the rate of increase in car prices is similar to that in August, the private transport inflation rate remains unchanged at 10.8%. The authorities stated that the strong increase in motorcycle prices was offset by sharp declines in other private transportation costs.

Service costs also remained stable at 1.2%. MAS and MTI attributed this to increased inflation in holiday expenses and hospital services, but it was offset by falling inflation in point-to-point transportation services and entertainment and cultural services.

Inflation outlook
MAS and MTI expect that in the context of rising import and labor costs and the recovery of domestic economic activity, core inflation will rise steadily in the next few quarters.

The authorities stated that core inflation-a key policy consideration for the central bank-will approach the upper limit of the 0% to 1% forecast range this year, and will further rise to 1% to 2% in 2022.

It is estimated that the overall inflation rate this year will be about 2%, and will average 1.5% to 2.5% next year.

In the case of construction delays, accommodation inflation should “stay firm” and continue to support overall inflation in 2022.

The authorities said that due to the slowdown in COE premiums and gasoline costs, private transportation inflation may slow down next year.

MAS and MTI stated that as Singapore transitions to managing COVID-19 as a local regulation, the recovery of the domestic labor market should continue.

They added that as the weakness in the labor market dissipated, wages have rebounded and are expected to “steadily rise.”

The authorities expect that consumer demand should increase, so that the accumulated business costs will be more passed on to consumer prices.

MAS and MTI stated that as for global inflation, this is still “rising” and may continue for some time.

“Due to OPEC+’s decision to maintain moderate supply growth, crude oil prices have recently risen, and as global natural gas prices have risen, demand for oil has also rebounded.”

They added that the mismatch between supply and demand in various commodities and commodity markets and the “bottleneck” of global transportation may continue to exist in the short term.

They also expect that as the global and regional recovery progresses, potential inflation of Singapore’s major trading partners will gradually rise.



新加坡:周一(10 月 25 日)的官方数据显示,新加坡 9 月份的消费者价格继续上涨,部分原因是食品以及电力和天然气价格上涨。

核心通胀——不包括住宿和私人交通成本——同比小幅上升至 1.2%,高于 8 月份的 1.1%。

与此同时,根据新加坡金融管理局 (MAS) 和贸易部的数据,9 月份总体消费者价格指数或整体通胀率从 8 月份的 2.4% 同比小幅上涨至 2.5%。和工业(MTI)。

MAS 和 MTI 表示,这反映了住宿和食品的通胀较高。

9 月份食品通胀率从 8 月份的 1.5% 上升至 1.6%,原因是非熟食和预制食品的价格上涨速度略快。

电力和天然气价格上涨幅度更大,从 8 月份的 9.7% 升至 9.9%。 MAS 和 MTI 表示,这是由于开放电力市场下家庭支付的平均电价上涨幅度较大。

零售和其他商品的成本仍然为负,以同样的速度下降 1.1%。当局表示,服装和鞋类价格的较小跌幅在很大程度上被个人物品的通货膨胀率降低和非耐用家居用品价格的较大跌幅所抵消。

9 月份的住宿价格从 8 月份的 1.7% 上涨至 1.9%。 MAS 和 MTI 表示,这是由于住房租金上涨速度更快。

由于汽车价格的上涨速度与 8 月份相似,因此私人交通通胀率保持在 10.8% 不变。当局表示,摩托车价格的强劲上涨被其他私人运输成本的急剧下降所抵消。

服务成本也保持稳定,为 1.2%。 MAS 和 MTI 将此归因于假期费用和医院服务的通胀上升,但被点对点交通服务以及娱乐和文化服务的通胀下降所抵消。

MAS 和 MTI 预计,在进口和劳动力成本上升以及国内经济活动复苏的背景下,未来几个季度的核心通胀将稳步上升。

当局表示,核心通胀——央行的一个关键政策考虑因素——今年将接近 0% 至 1% 预测范围的上限,并在 2022 年进一步上升至 1% 至 2%。

预计今年整体通胀率约为 2%,明年平均为 1.5% 至 2.5%。

在施工延误的情况下,住宿通胀应该“保持坚挺”,并在 2022 年继续支持整体通胀。

当局表示,由于 COE 保费和汽油成本的增长速度放缓,明年私人交通通胀可能会放缓。

MAS 和 MTI 表示,随着新加坡过渡到将 COVID-19 管理为地方性规范,国内劳动力市场的复苏应该会继续。



MAS 和 MTI 表示,至于全球通胀,这仍然“升高”,并且可能会持续一段时间。


