'Young punk' brazenly vapes on public bus



A youth was caught on video smoking an e-cigarette on board a public bus.

Several Stompers alerted Stomp to the video that has been circulating online. It is unclear where or when this happened.

However, some netizens noticed a building that looks like Yishun Park Hawker Centre in the background.

In the video, the young man wearing a Hello Kitty sweater is seen blowing out smoke seated on the bus.

He shows the ‘peace’ sign to the person recording the video.

“This immature young punk was acting cool and vaping on public transport,” said Stomp contributor Allen.

“This kid should be arrested for vaping on a public bus,” another Stomp contributor said.

According to the Tobacco (Control of Advertisements and Sale) Act, first-time offenders caught importing, selling, buying or using and possessing tobacco products like e-cigarettes may face up to six months’ jail and/or a fine of up to $10,000.

Repeat offenders may face up to one year’s jail and/or a fine of up to $20,000.


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