Shahid Kapoor steals hearts when he rocks with new dance partner – his baby daughter


This one is real special and cute. Shahid Kapoor was busy. No, not shooting for a film, but busy dancing with a special someone recently!

The actor, who began his journey in Bollywood as a background dancer, celebrated World Dance Day with a special dance partner, who is none other than his toddler Misha Kapoor!

On Sunday, Shahid took to Instagram to share an adorable video where he is seen shaking a leg with his baby daughter Misha.

Misha, clearly stole the hearts of millions, and proved that she is her daddy’s daughter by her captivating moves.

The video was a true delight for all Shahid Kapoor fans.

Whether Misha will follow her father’s footsteps or not, only time can tell!

Publication Date: 
Tuesday, May 2, 2017 – 11:38
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