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新加坡:警方周二(2 月 8 日)表示,在芽笼进行了为期一周的多机构执法行动后,有 34 人正在接受各种罪行的调查。

共有 19 名男性和 15 名女性,年龄在 25 至 79 岁之间,正在接受调查。

警方表示,该行动于 1 月 17 日至 1 月 21 日进行。

它得到了刑事调查局(CID)、中央缉毒局(CNB)、卫生科学局(HSA)、移民与关卡局(ICA)、新加坡海关、陆路交通局(LTA)和新加坡食品局( SFA)。



两名年龄分别为 29 岁和 43 岁的男子被发现持有被认为是未经注册的健康产品的物质,其中包括各种止咳糖浆和性增强产品。

据称从这些男子身上收回了电子蒸发器和配件。还查获了街头价值接近 9,000 新元的物质。

被警方查获的未注册保健品。 (照片:新加坡警察部队)

如果被判犯有进口、制造和/或供应未经注册的健康产品的罪名,他们每人可被判入狱长达两年、罚款高达 50,000 新元,或两者兼施。

因销售、要约销售、为销售而持有、进口或分销电子汽化器及相关配件而被判有罪的人,初犯可被处以最高 10,000 新元的罚款、最长 6 个月的监禁,或两者兼施;第二次或之后的罪行,可被罚款高达 20,000 新元和监禁长达 12 个月,或两者兼施。

此外,持有、使用和购买此类物品的违法者将被处以不超过 2,000 新元的罚款。


一名 78 岁的男子正在协助调查据称处理未完税的香烟。另外两名分别为 33 岁和 54 岁的男子因持有未完税香烟而被处以最高 2,500 新元的罚款。

根据《海关法》和《商品和服务税法》,购买、出售、运输、交付、储存、保管、拥有或处理未完税货物被视为严重违法行为。违法者可被处以最高 40 倍的关税和 GST 逃税金额的罚款、最高 6 年的监禁,或两者兼施。

缴获了价值 950 新元的现金、用于犯罪的电脑终端,以及各种与赌博有关的用具。

三名年龄介乎 27 至 34 岁的男子在针对非法活动和社会不公的行动中因涉嫌加入非法社团而被捕。

在打击非法赌博的执法行动中,共有五名年龄介乎 42 至 62 岁的男女被发现在位于育碧大道 3 号沿线的一个商业单位从事与赌博有关的活动。


任何人在新加坡被判犯有使用远程通信赌博和使用非由其他豁免人提供的远程赌博服务的罪行,可被处以最高 5,000 新元的罚款、最长 6 个月的监禁,或两者兼施。

协助为他人提供非法远程赌博服务的人可被处以 20,000 至 200,000 新元的罚款、最长 5 年的监禁,或两者兼施。

在针对与卖淫有关的活动的执法行动中,共有 10 名年龄介乎 32 至 48 岁的妇女在芽笼罗弄 22 号沿线的一家酒店和芽笼路沿线的一家按摩店因触犯《妇女宪章》而被捕。


据称,共有五男四女,年龄介乎 25 至 47 岁,被发现在单位内唱卡拉 OK 及饮酒。其中一名 65 岁的男子被认为是该店的经营者,他将根据《公共娱乐法》和《酒类控制(供应和消费)法》的规定接受调查。

该运营商和五名顾客也因违反 COVID-19 法规而受到调查。如果罪名成立,他们可被判入狱长达六个月、罚款高达 10,000 新元,或两者兼施。

警方表示,他们对威胁社区公共安全、和平与良好秩序的非法活动“零容忍”,将继续与相关利益攸关方密切合作,定期开展执法行动,打击非法赌博、打压 在各种夜生活场所和受欢迎的集会热点进行秘密社团活动和非法活动。





由南洋理工大学 (NTU) 卫星研究中心领导的“开创性项目”将看到一颗 100 公斤的遥感微型卫星发射到太空。

该组织在周三(2 月 9 日)的联合新闻发布会上表示,该项目是 NTU、Aliena、LightHaus Photonics、ST Engineering 和新加坡国立大学淡马锡实验室之间的一项研究合作协议。

它还将得到新加坡国家空间办公室空间技术和工业办公室的支持。 ST Engineering Satellite Systems 将为微型卫星的系统开发和制造提供建议。

联合新闻稿称,新的微型卫星将在距地球约 250 公里的超低地球轨道 (VLEO) 上飞行。

由于这至少是常规卫星常用的低地球轨道高度(500 公里至 800 公里)的一半,它带来了“差异化能力”的承诺,例如仪器在离地球更近时能够表现更好。

然而,在 VLEO 飞行的挑战包括如果卫星没有配备合适的推进系统,卫星将在几天内“脱离轨道并重新进入”地球大气层。

新闻稿称,为了克服这个问题,NTU 的衍生公司 Aliena 设计了一种“独特的、省油的发动机”,以“电离和加速惰性推进剂”。


这颗微型卫星还将容纳新加坡第一台由科技公司 LightHaus Photonics 设计的本地太空相机。

这台相机可以拍摄距离太空小至 0.5 米的物体的高分辨率图像,比 X-SAT(新加坡于 2011 年发射的第一颗本地建造的卫星)中的相机强大 20 倍。


该卫星还将收集“有价值的数据,以支持开发具有多种应用的下一代商业 VLEO 卫星”。

新闻稿补充说,这些范围从通信和成像到气候和天气监测,这将有助于将新加坡定位为 VLEO 解决方案中心。

此外,NTU 将开发“预测空气动力学模型”来优化卫星设计以减少阻力。





新闻稿补充说,与在“越来越拥挤”的低地球轨道上运行相比,这种“被动清理”将有助于将其他 VLEO 航天器未来发生碰撞的风险降至最低。



空间技术和工业办公室执行主任 David Tan 博士说:“成立一个新的财团来开发使卫星能够在极低地球轨道上运行的解决方案,证明了新加坡工业和学术界在为太空开发颠覆性技术。”

Singapore Researchers Launch New ‘Sustainable’ Microsatellite To Explore Space


SINGAPORE: Singapore will explore new frontiers in space by launching microsatellites the size of mini-refrigerators.

A “pioneering project” led by the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Satellite Research Centre will see a 100kg remote sensing microsatellite launched into space.

The project is a research collaboration agreement between NTU, Aliena, LightHaus Photonics, ST Engineering and the National University of Singapore Temasek Lab, the group said in a joint press release on Wednesday (Feb 9).

It will also be supported by the Office of Space Technology and Industry, National Space Office, Singapore. ST Engineering Satellite Systems will advise on the system development and manufacture of microsatellites.

“Fuel saving engine”
The new microsatellites will fly in very low Earth orbit (VLEO) about 250 kilometers above Earth, according to the joint press release.

Since this is at least half the low-Earth orbit altitude (500km to 800km) commonly used by conventional satellites, it brings the promise of “differentiated capabilities”, such as the ability of instruments to perform better when they are closer to Earth.

However, the challenges of flying at VLEO include that if the satellite is not equipped with a suitable propulsion system, the satellite will “deorbit and re-enter” Earth’s atmosphere within a few days.

To overcome this problem, NTU spinoff Aliena has designed a “unique, fuel-efficient engine” to “ionize and accelerate inert propellants,” according to the release.

This will generate “low power thrust” that maintains the satellite’s orbit.

The tiny satellite will also house Singapore’s first local space camera designed by technology company LightHaus Photonics.

The camera can take high-resolution images of objects as small as 0.5 meters from space and is 20 times more powerful than the camera in X-SAT, Singapore’s first locally built satellite launched in 2011.

“It’s useful for industrial applications such as supply chain monitoring, agriculture and mining, and real estate analytics,” the press release said.

The satellite will also collect “valuable data to support the development of next-generation commercial VLEO satellites with multiple applications.”

These range from communications and imaging to climate and weather monitoring, which will help position Singapore as a hub for VLEO solutions, the release added.

reduce drag
In addition, NTU will develop “predictive aerodynamic models” to optimize satellite design to reduce drag.

Researchers will evaluate different materials that can prevent atomic oxygen corrosion and measure plasma concentrations, velocities and temperatures in the ionosphere to improve understanding of spacecraft charging.

“Spacecraft charging is a phenomenon where, due to hot electrons found in space, negative charges begin to build up on the surface of a satellite, which can cause damage to the satellite’s electronic systems,” the organizations explained.

The new microsatellites are also designed to be sustainable. At the end of its useful life, its engines can be shut down, and the satellite will “deorbit” and descend to Earth within a few days.

It will eventually burn up in the atmosphere upon re-entry, leaving no debris in space.

This “passive cleanup” will help minimize the risk of future collisions with other VLEO spacecraft compared to operating in “increasingly crowded” low-Earth orbits, the release added.

NTU Research Senior Vice President Professor Lim Chin Yong said the new microsatellite would be another milestone for Singapore and NTU.

“Satellite technology is always multidisciplinary and complex, requiring great talent in various fields, from power systems engineering to aerodynamics and software design, to work together as a team to develop new solutions that don’t exist today,” he said.

“The establishment of a new consortium to develop solutions to enable satellites to operate in very low Earth orbit is a testament to the development of disruptive technologies for space by industry and academia in Singapore,” said Dr David Tan, Executive Director of the Office of Space Technology and Industry.



新加坡:一名 46 岁男子被指控在乌节路地区以 1,000 新元向一名 17 岁女孩提供性服务。

据称,美国公民 Aloi Gregory Marshall 于 2021 年 4 月 24 日在 Delfi Orchard 的一个单位这样做。


Aloi 还面临第二项指控,即拥有 115 部淫秽电影。 据称,这些视频是去年 6 月 1 日在两部手机和一部 iPad 上发现的。

他的案子于周三(2 月 9 日)开庭审理,并于下个月转移到各分庭进行预审会议。

他已获得 15,000 新元的保释金。

如果被判为 18 岁以下的人提供性服务而被定罪,他可被判最高 7 年监禁、罚款,或两者兼施。

持有淫秽电影,每部电影可被罚款至少 500 新元,最高可达 20,000 新元。 他也可能被判入狱长达六个月,或两者兼施。

US Citizen Charged With Offering S$1,000 For Sexual Services To Teenage Girl In Orchard Road Area


SINGAPORE: A 46-year-old man has been charged with providing sexual services to a 17-year-old girl for S$1,000 in the Orchard Road area.

U.S. citizen Aloi Gregory Marshall allegedly did so at a unit in Delfi Orchard on April 24, 2021.

Details about how they met were not provided in the charge sheet.

Aloi also faces a second charge of possessing 115 obscene movies. The videos were allegedly discovered on June 1 last year on two phones and an iPad.

His case opens on Wednesday (February 9) and will be transferred to chambers for pre-trial conferences next month.

He has been granted bail of S$15,000.

If convicted of providing sexual services to a person under the age of 18, he could be jailed for up to seven years, fined, or both.

Possession of obscene films can result in a fine of at least S$500 and a maximum of S$20,000 per film. He could also be jailed for up to six months, or both.

GST Increase Will Help Singapore Generate Income Needed To Invest In People And Infrastructure: Lawrence Wong


SINGAPORE: A planned increase in the Goods and Services Tax (GST) will help Singapore generate the revenue it needs to invest in its people and infrastructure, Finance Minister Lawrence Wong said on Wednesday (Feb 9).

Mr Wong made the comments in a video on his Facebook page a week before the 2022 budget statement was released on February 18.

He said Singapore was at a “critical turning point” as it continued to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, adding that the government was “working hard to build a better Singapore for tomorrow”.

“To do this, we will need to invest more in our people and social infrastructure. The increase in GST will help generate the revenue we need for this purpose,” Mr Wong said.

He added that the extra income will be used to support Singapore’s growing healthcare needs and enable it to better care for the elderly.

In 2018, the then Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat first announced plans to increase the GST by two percentage points, from 7% to 9%.

Mr Heng said at the time that the increase would take place sometime between 2021 and 2025, depending on factors such as economic conditions.

It was delayed last year due to the impact of COVID-19 on the economy. However, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said in his New Year’s message that the government will have to “get into action” with a planned 2022 budget rate hike as the economy emerges from COVID-19.

In a video on Wednesday, Mr Wong said transitional measures would be taken to cushion the impact of the GST hike.

“For example, a couple with two children earning US$5,000 a month would receive about S$6,500 in benefits under the protection plan,” he added.

The government will also permanently strengthen the GST Voucher scheme to better support low-income families.

“I know many of you are concerned about the cost of living, which is why we will have a package of measures to mitigate the impact of GST on low- and middle-income households and retirees,” said Mr Wong.

He added that he would share more details in the budget statement, which will be tabled in Parliament on February 18 at 3:30pm.

The budget statement will be broadcast live on Channel 5, CNA, CNA938, Capital 958, CNA website, CNA YouTube, CNA Facebook, 8 World News, 8 World News YouTube, 8 World News Facebook and MediaCorp’s meWATCH.

The Treasury’s Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter accounts will also be updated in real time with key announcements from the speech.

商品及服务税的增加将帮助新加坡产生投资于人员和基础设施所需的收入:Lawrence Wong


新加坡:财政部长劳伦斯·黄(Lawrence Wong)周三(2 月 9 日)表示,计划提高商品和服务税(GST)将有助于新加坡产生投资于其人民和基础设施所需的收入。

在 2 月 18 日发布 2022 年预算声明前一周,黄先生在其 Facebook 页面上的一段视频中发表了上述评论。

他说,新加坡正处于“关键转折点”,因为它继续应对 COVID-19 大流行,并补充说政府正在“努力为明天建设一个更美好的新加坡”。



2018 年,时任财政部长王瑞杰的预算案演讲中首次宣布了将商品及服务税提高两个百分点,从 7% 提高到 9% 的计划。

亨先生当时表示,增加将在 2021 年至 2025 年的某个时间进行,具体时间将根据经济状况等因素决定。

由于 COVID-19 对经济的影响,它于去年被推迟。然而,总理李显龙在他的新年贺词中表示,随着经济从 COVID-19 中崛起,政府将不得不“开始行动”计划中的 2022 年预算加息。


“以一对有两个孩子的夫妇每月收入 5,000 美元为例,他们将在保障计划下获得约 6,500 新元的福利,”他补充说。

政府还将永久加强 GST Voucher 计划,以更好地支持低收入家庭。


他补充说,他将在预算声明中分享更多细节,该声明将于 2 月 18 日下午 3:30 在议会提交。

预算声明将在第 5 频道、CNA、CNA938、Capital 958、CNA 网站、CNA YouTube、CNA Facebook、8 World News、8 World News YouTube、8 World News Facebook 和 MediaCorp 的 meWATCH 上直播。

财政部的 Facebook 页面、Instagram 和 Twitter 帐户也将实时更新演讲中的关键公告。

NUS Strengthens Financial Aid For Singapore Students From Low-Income Families


Singapore: Full-time undergraduate students at the National University of Singapore (NUS) do not need to pay tuition fees if they come from families with a per capita income of up to S$1,000.

This starts with the new school year in August 2022.

“The university will top up existing government grants to fully fund the tuition fees of these students,” NUS said in a media release on Tuesday (Feb 8), adding that eligible full-time undergraduates in Singapore Both current and incoming students are eligible.

In addition, full-time Singapore undergraduates from families with a per capita income of up to S$690 will receive additional living expenses, on-campus accommodation and financial support for overseas studies.

NUS said it plans to allocate an additional S$15 million a year to fund this enhanced support. It is expected to benefit about 3,300 Singaporean undergraduates from low-income families.

“The new enhanced financial aid package will fill the financial gap for students most in need of support,” said NUS President Professor Tan Eng Cai.

“It provides additional funding for Singaporean students from low-income backgrounds in two areas – full funding of tuition fees and part of living expenses, and access to a fuller and richer university experience, including on-campus study. Stays and overseas exposure .

NUS said it was raising philanthropic support to “establish an endowment to provide sustainable funding for this new initiative”.

It noted that some donors have already pledged support, including the Quantedge Foundation, the charity arm of local fund manager Quantedge Capital.

“We are grateful for a number of donors who have stepped forward to help the University achieve this important initiative. We hope more will support us,” said Professor Tan.



新加坡:如果新加坡国立大学 (NUS) 的全日制本科生来自人均收入高达 1,000 新元的家庭,则无需支付学费。

这从 2022 年 8 月的新学年开始。


此外,来自人均收入高达 690 新元的家庭的全日制新加坡本科生将获得额外的生活费、校内住宿和海外课程的经济支持。

新加坡国立大学表示,它计划每年额外拨出 1500 万新元来资助这项增强的支持。预计将使来自低收入家庭的约 3,300 名新加坡本科生受益。




它指出,一些捐助者已经承诺提供支持,其中包括当地基金管理公司 Quantedge Capital 的慈善机构 Quantedge 基金会。


新加坡航展将有 8 个飞行表演; 将向公众直播


新加坡:今年的新加坡航展将有来自四支空军和两家商业公司的八场飞行表演和飞行表演,其组织者 Experia 周一(2 月 7 日)表示。

航展将于 2 月 15 日至 18 日在樟宜展览中心举行,没有公众参观日,将现场直播航展。

Experia 说,这包括印度空军轻型战斗机或光辉战斗机的首次亮相,并补充说单架喷气式飞机的性能将具有“令人印象深刻的特技和机动”。

新加坡共和国空军 (RSAF) 今年将返回两场表演,其中包括两架 AH-64D 阿帕奇攻击直升机和一架 F-16C 战斗机的单人特技飞行。

美国海军陆战队的 F-35B Lightning II——新加坡空军已同意购买的隐形战斗机模型——将再次亮相。美国空军的 B-52 同温层堡垒将参加一次飞越。

印度尼西亚的木星特技飞行队 – 被称为木星 – 在之前参加过 2018 年的航展后,也将回归,并将以他们的六架飞机编队和精确的飞行“刺激”观众。

商用飞机观察者可以期待看到空中客车 A350-1000 和波音宽体 B777-9 的演示天桥。

飞行表演将于 2 月 15 日下午 12 时 30 分和 2 月 16 日至 18 日上午 11 时 30 分每天举行一次。公众可通过新加坡航展的 Facebook 页面或本网站观看直播。

“我们的合作伙伴和参展商的这些出色表现证明了航空航天业的复苏,我们希望它们能够振奋精神,”Experia 董事总经理 Leck Chet Lam 说。

自 COVID-19 大流行以来,新加坡航展将第二次缩减,对贸易参观者进行严格的健康控制,当地人缺乏公共日,这抑制了潜在的出席人数。


新加坡航展的网站显示,预计将有约 360 家公司参加,包括空中客车公司、波音公司和洛克希德马丁公司等主要行业参与者,低于 2020 年的 930 家。