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新加坡:人力部(MOM)周五(10 月 22 日)回应一份呼吁为 PME 提供更好就业支持的报告时表示,政府正在考虑进一步完善新加坡的就业准证框架。

专业人士、经理和高管 (PME) 工作组于周四发布的报告提出了九项建议,以改善当地 PME 的就业和就业能力。

其中包括为失业的 PME 引入收入支持,并按职业区分外国工人的准入,对具有“战略利益”的职业给予较少的准入,以提高本地 PME 的比例。

全国职工总会 (NTUC) 和新加坡全国雇主联合会 (SNEF) 的报告也建议加强对采取不公平做法的错误公司的执法,并加强对 PME 的支持,以促进其职业发展或帮助那些失业的人转向“有意义的就业”。




该部表示,在工作场所公平方面,工作场所公平三方委员会已评估立法是下一步工作,它将研究 PME 工作组在设计法律框架时提出的建议。


“帮助当地人获得机会一直是政府的首要任务,特别是考虑到 COVID-19 对经济和劳动力市场的影响。国家就业委员会率先在全国范围内努力将 SGUnited 工作和技能一揽子计划下的工作和技能机会结合起来。”

Prive Group Parted Ways With The Ceo, Condemning His Behavior Towards The 13-Year-Old Boy


SINGAPORE: Food and beverage company The Prive Group has parted ways with its chief executive officer, a day after expressing support for him following his conviction in court for hurting a 13-year-old boy.

In a statement on Facebook on Friday morning (Oct 22), the group wrote that with immediate effect, Jean-Luc Kha Vu Han will no longer be its CEO.

“We strongly condemn his actions and all acts of violence and would like to reassure the public that his personal actions do not in any way reflect our core values,” said the group’s post.

“We are glad that he is currently seeking the necessary treatments for his mental health and believe that the Singapore justice system will deal out the necessary punishment.”

Vu Han, 44, pleaded guilty a day earlier to a charge each of voluntarily causing hurt and intentionally causing alarm to a 13-year-old boy at Parklane Shopping Mall in 2019.

Vu Han was intoxicated when he entered a lift with the boy and his 12-year-old brother, before asking him lewd questions and punching him in the head.

When the lift got to the ground floor, Vu Han stopped the doors from closing and slapped the boy’s face.

After Vu Han’s conviction, The Prive Group said in a statement to the media that Vu Han “has our full and unwavering support”. It confirmed that Vu Han was still CEO and was “helping us stay afloat amidst the ongoing COVID restrictions”.

The group received backlash on its online platforms, with some calling for a boycott.

On Friday, The Prive Group apologised if any of its previous statements had been “miscontrued as condoning his actions as we do not support violence in any way”.

“We sincerely apologise,” the group said.

“We also encourage those who suspect they might have mental health issues to seek help early,” it said. “Thank you for your understanding and we hope that we can become a better company through this.”

Vu Han’s lawyer had told the court that he was diagnosed with adjustment disorder and later bipolar disorder, for which he is seeking treatment. On this basis, she asked for a mandatory treatment order suitability report, but the prosecutor objected, saying there was no indication of how the mental conditions contributed to the offence.

The prosecutor is seeking eight weeks’ jail and a fine, and sentencing is set for December.

Prive Group 与 CEO 分道扬镳,谴责他对 13 岁男孩的行为


新加坡:食品和饮料公司 The Prive Group 已与其首席执行官分道扬镳,在他因伤害一名 13 岁男孩而在法庭上被定罪后表达了对他的支持。

在周五早上(10 月 22 日)在 Facebook 上发表的一份声明中,该集团写道,从即日起,Jean-Luc Kha Vu Han 将不再担任其首席执行官。



44 岁的 Vu Han 在一天前承认了一项指​​控,每一项指控都是在 2019 年在 Parklane 购物中心自愿造成伤害并故意引起一名 13 岁男孩的警报。

武涵与男孩和他 12 岁的弟弟一起进入电梯时喝醉了,然后问了他下流的问题并打了他的头。


武涵被定罪后,The Prive Group 在向媒体发表的声明中表示,武涵“得到了我们的全力和坚定的支持”。它证实武汉仍然是首席执行官,并“帮助我们在持续的 COVID 限制中维持生计”。


周五,如果 The Prive Group 之前的任何声明“被误解为纵容他的行为,因为我们不以任何方式支持暴力”,则该组织表示道歉。


“我们还鼓励那些怀疑自己可能有心理健康问题的人尽早寻求帮助,”它说。 “感谢您的理解,我们希望我们能通过这件事成为一家更好的公司。”


检察官要求判处八周监禁和罚款,定于 12 月宣判。

Police Officer Hit 84-Year-Old Woman To Death And Sentenced To Jail And Prohibited From Driving


Singapore: An investigator from the Singapore Police Force (SPF) failed to maintain proper vigilance while driving and collided with an 84-year-old pedestrian, resulting in her death.

Norazlan Abdul Aziz, 44, was sentenced to two weeks in prison and five years of driving ban on Friday (October 22).

He pleaded guilty to an act of negligence that did not constitute a crime of homicide. He did not stop on the single white line at the unsignaled intersection of No. 1 Choa Chu Kang Avenue.

The court was informed that Norazlan pulled out of the multi-storey car park at No. 808, Block 1, Choa Chu Kang at about 4 pm on September 21, 2017.

Afterwards, he drove along the two-way service road on the single-lane road at Block 807D, No. 1 Choa Chu Kang Avenue, intending to drive out of the service road to the main road at No. 1 Choa Chu Kang Avenue.

The victim was an 84-year-old woman who was walking along the sidewalk between the service road and the main road.

The court was informed that she began to cross the service road connecting the block of the HDB to the exit of the main road No. 1 Choa Chu Kang Avenue and was likely to be seen by Norazlan.

However, Norazlan did not pay attention to her. There was a stop line at the exit, but he did not slow down or stop. He turned to the left without noticing the victim, he had already crossed the road from his left.

His car collided with a woman on the left front and she fell on the road in front of the car.

Bystanders Tried To Alert Him
A bystander in a nearby childcare center heard a loud “bang” and turned to see the victim lying motionless on the ground. He ran to the car and yelled at Norazlan to remind him, but to no avail.

Norazlan parked the car for a few seconds, then drove forward again, running over the woman—bystanders witnessed the process.

The estimated average speed of Norazlan’s cars as they travel along service roads is 10 to 13 kilometers.

The woman was taken to the hospital with a severely torn scalp and serious internal injuries to her face and head. She did not respond to the resuscitation and was pronounced dead within a few hours.

The defense lawyer said that Norazlan deeply regretted the death of the victim, and the incident “continued to haunt him and seriously affected his conscience.”

After the accident, he stopped immediately, tried his best to help the victim, called an ambulance and cooperated with the police investigation.

The defense emphasized Norazlan’s record as a police officer-he joined SPF as a corporal in 1999 and later became a station inspector. The lawyer said that he has served as an investigator at the Jurong Police Station for the past 10 years and has received ministerial awards and other awards.

For negligence that does not constitute a crime of homicide, Norazlan may be sentenced to up to two years in jail, a fine, or both.

警员撞上84岁老妇致死 被判入狱及禁驾


新加坡:新加坡警察部队 (SPF) 的一名调查人员在开车时未能保持适当的警惕,与一名 84 岁的行人相撞,导致她死亡。

44 岁的诺拉兹兰·阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹 (Norazlan Abdul Aziz) 于周五(10 月 22 日)被判处两周监禁和五年驾驶禁令。

他承认犯有一项不构成有罪杀人罪的疏忽行为,他没有在蔡厝港大道 1 号无信号指示路口的单条白线上停车。

法庭获悉,Norazlan 于 2017 年 9 月 21 日下午 4 时左右将车开出位于蔡厝港 1 号街区 808 号的多层停车场。


受害者是一名 84 岁的妇女,当时她正沿着服务道路和主要道路之间的人行道行走。

法庭获悉,她开始穿过连接组屋街区内的服务道路和蔡厝港大道 1 号主干道的出口,并且很可能被诺拉兹兰看到。





Norazlan 的汽车沿着服务道路行驶时的估计平均速度为 10 至 13 公里。




辩方强调了诺拉兹兰作为警官的记录——他于 1999 年加入 SPF 作为下士,后来成为一名车站检查员。律师说,他过去10年一直在裕廊警察局担任调查官,并获得部长奖和其他嘉奖。


Funeral Services In Singapore Prepare For More Covid-19 Deaths And Adapt To Special Request.


Post Content

Singapore: Singapore’s contractors are preparing to provide more services for COVID-19 deaths, and some funeral services agencies said that during the pandemic, the way relatives remember the dead has changed.

On Wednesday (October 20), Singapore recorded 18 deaths due to complications of COVID-19, the highest daily death toll since the beginning of the pandemic. The death toll from the coronavirus is now 264.

Calvin Tang, general manager of Singapore Coffin, told CNA that it handled about 20 COVID-19 funerals in October, double the total number of the previous month.

Mr. Tang said that he is working hard to ensure that the company has enough manpower to handle more and more services, and he has to recall workers on leave.

He said: “We are still dealing with other funerals, not just COVID-19. All families need to be well taken care of.” “As the number of cases increases… we have to plan very carefully.”

Mr. Ang Ziqian, managing director of Ang Chin Moh Funeral Directors, said that learning lessons from the 2003 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) epidemic, the company has already stockpiled “months and months” of supplies, including individuals Protective equipment.

Mr. Ang said that even before the first COVID-19 death was recorded in Singapore last year, the company told its employees that they must “step up” to deal with the death.

Mr. Jeffrey Lee of Simplicity Casket, a subsidiary of Singapore Casket, said that since the end of September, the company has begun to receive more inquiries, including some special requirements.

He said, for example, for health and safety reasons, some families authorize the undertaker to handle the funeral — from the collection of the dead body to the cremation — in their absence.

Manpower is also very tight, because the company avoids assigning employees to the second task after completing the COVID-19 funeral.

“They will go back to the office to take a shower and wash their hair before going to the next task. So we need extra manpower,” he said.

Simpler funeral service
Some people say that in general, funerals have become simpler, and the requirements for direct cremation have increased.

The funeral director of Singapore funeral home, Mr. He Darren, said that in the past, funerals sometimes lasted five days, but now they are often three days or less.

He also received more direct cremation requests without the need for a night watch.

Wake up is also quieter-although music is still allowed, wind instruments cannot be used, and the number of participants is limited.

Current safety management measures allow up to 30 people to be awakened or buried and cremated at any time. The guidelines stipulate that religious workers, funeral directors and musicians should be kept to a minimum.

Mourners are asked to minimize interaction with other participants, and are not allowed to set up buffets or receptions where food and drinks are provided. It is also not allowed to provide small packages of beverages or individually packaged tidbits.

Mr. He said: “Because these items are perishable, once they are close to the expiration date, we have no choice to throw them away.”

Mr. Tang said that Singapore Coffin has set up more live broadcast services for family and friends who cannot go to the death ceremony in person.

He said that some people also asked to take photos and send them to them so that they could keep memories of their loved ones.

As the death toll from COVID-19 rises, Mr. Hong said he decided to launch a campaign to urge people to get vaccinated.

“There is a lot of information… but if the information comes from a funeral and interment company, it emphasizes that if you don’t get vaccinated, there will be dire consequences,” he said.

“If we don’t reduce the number of (infected), the frontline staff will be overwhelmed…If the death toll continues to rise, the next frontline professional who is overwhelmed will be our funeral service staff.”

新加坡的葬礼服务为更多 COVID-19 死亡做好准备,适应特殊要求


新加坡:新加坡的承办商正准备为 COVID-19 死亡提供更多服务,一些殡仪服务机构表示,在大流行期间,亲属记住逝者的方式发生了变化。

周三(10 月 20 日),新加坡记录了 18 人因 COVID-19 并发症而死亡,这是自大流行开始以来的最高每日死亡人数。冠状病毒造成的死亡人数现在为 264 人。

新加坡棺材总经理 Calvin Tang 告诉 CNA,它在 10 月份处理了大约 20 场 COVID-19 葬礼,是上个月整个数字的两倍。


他说:“我们还在处理其他葬礼,而不仅仅是 COVID-19,所有的家庭都需要得到很好的照顾。” “随着病例数量越来越多……我们必须非常仔细地计划。”

Ang Chin Moh Funeral Directors 董事总经理 Ang Ziqian 先生表示,从 2003 年严重急性呼吸系统综合症 (SARS) 流行病中吸取教训,该公司已经储备了“几个月又几个月”的物资,包括个人防护装备。

Ang 先生说,甚至在新加坡去年记录了首例 COVID-19 死亡之前,该公司就告诉员工,他们必须“加紧”处理死亡事件。

Singapore Casket 子公司 Simplicity Casket 的 Jeffrey Lee 先生表示,自 9 月底以来,该公司开始收到更多询问,包括一些特殊要求。


人力也很紧张,因为公司避免在完成 COVID-19 葬礼后将员工分配到第二项任务。





唤醒也更安静 – 虽然仍然允许音乐,但不能使用管乐器,而且参加人数有限。

目前的安全管理措施允许最多 30 人在任何时间在苏醒或埋葬和火葬。指导方针规定,宗教工作者、殡葬人员和音乐家应保持在最低限度。





随着 COVID-19 死亡人数的上升,洪先生说他决定发起一项运动,敦促人们接种疫苗。



Police Fined For Reporting “Bicycle Stolen” After Losing Keys


Singapore: After losing the key to his locked bicycle, a police officer searched two shopping malls for a cutting tool to remove the lock, but to no avail.

When his friend jokingly suggested that he call the police to get a “free service” for the stolen bicycle to unlock his bicycle, the police did so.

The false report by the police led to the deployment of three police officers to the scene and the mobilization of manpower from multiple police departments, including one investigator.

Ong Chee Seng, 50, was fined S$3,000 on Thursday (October 21). He admitted to an allegation of deliberately providing false information to civil servants and considered a second similar allegation.

The court learned that Ong was an officer of the Singapore Police Force at the time of the crime.

On the morning of May 26 this year, he rode a folding bike to the Waterway Point mall in Punggol to buy lunch. He secured the bicycle to the bicycle parking place with a lock and put the key in his pocket.

However, when he returned to the bay later, he could not find the key. Ong went back the same way to find the key, but did not succeed.

In the end, he took the train home and left his bicycle in the mall. Later that day, he went to the Compass One shopping mall near Sengkang and then returned to Waterway Point to look for equipment to remove the bicycle lock.

Ong couldn’t find any shops selling the knives he needed. He also approached the security counter at Waterway Point and asked to borrow a knife, but was refused because the team could not verify whether the bicycle was his.

At 3:50 pm that day, Ong sent a message to the WhatsApp group chat he shared with six other participants. He asked his friend Ellen if he could borrow a knife from him, but Ellen did not.

Another friend made fun of Ong and jokingly suggested that he call the police. The friend said that he should claim that he found his bike and pretended that it was stolen before.

His friend suggested that the police would then provide him with a “free service” and help him unlock the locked bicycle. He added that Wang should take a picture of his locked bicycle and show it to investigators. In fact, none of the group chat members wanted Ong to call the police.

He actually called the police
At 5:30 pm that day, Ong checked the Punggol Neighbourhood Police Center hotline online and dialed the number provided.

He told the police officer on the line: “I found my stolen bicycle at the bicycle parking lot in Waterway Point. I need the help of the police.”

As a result, an investigator was sent to the Ong case, and two ground response officers were sent to the bicycle parking area. One of them asked Ong what happened, and Ong told him that a bicycle locked there belonged to him.

The police officer asked Ong where he had parked his bicycle before, and Ong incorrectly pointed to another location within walking range. He lied that he had parked his bicycle on the railing before going to the mall to buy food.

When he returned, the bicycle was gone, he claimed. He further claimed that when he was looking for a bicycle on the same day, he accidentally found a bicycle secured with a bicycle lock at the location. Even though he knew it was fake, Ong said it all.

The police officer continued to ask Ong for the special engraving or serial number on his bicycle, but Ong did not know any. He showed a photo of his bicycle to the police officer, and the police officer began investigating the scene.

The police officer took a picture of Ong, and Ong asked why it was necessary. The police officer replied that this was to match his clothing with CCTV footage, because the police would check him to see if the bicycle belonged to him.

At this point, Ong knows that the race is over, because he will be shown on CCTV footage that he puts the bicycle in the bicycle parking area. Then he admitted that no one had stolen his bicycle and that he had lost the key to the bicycle lock.

The prosecutor said that due to Wang’s false information, the manpower of multiple Singapore Police Force (SPF) departments was activated for further investigation.

Ong’s lawyers stated that the crime was “completely motivated by stupidity” without any malicious intent.

If you deliberately provide false information to civil servants, Ong may be fined up to S$5,000.

In response to CNA’s inquiry, SPF stated that its officials “should abide by the law and maintain the highest standards of conduct and integrity”.

“We deal with police officers who have seriously violated the law, including accusing them in court.”

SPF added that on the same day Ong submitted the false report, he disclosed the crime of providing false information.

An investigation was subsequently conducted, and Ong was suspended on September 3.

SPF stated that after Ong was convicted, it had begun to take “internal actions” against Ong.






50 岁的 Ong Chee Seng 在周四(10 月 21 日)被罚款 3,000 新元。他承认一项故意向公务员提供虚假信息的指控,并考虑了第二项类似的指控。

法庭获悉,Ong 在犯罪时是新加坡警察部队的一名警官。

今年5月26日上午,他骑着折叠自行车到榜鹅的Waterway Point商场买午饭。他用锁将自行车固定在自行车停放处,并将钥匙放在口袋里。

然而,当他后来回到海湾时,他找不到钥匙。 Ong 原路返回寻找钥匙,但没有成功。

最终,他乘火车回家,将自行车留在了商场。当天晚些时候,他前往邻近盛港的 Compass One 购物中心,然后返回 Waterway Point 寻找取下自行车锁的设备。

Ong 找不到任何商店出售他需要的刀具。他还走近 Waterway Point 的安全柜台,要求借一把刀具,但被拒绝,因为团队无法验证自行车是否是他的。

当天下午 3 点 50 分,Ong 向他与其他六名参与者分享的 WhatsApp 群聊发送了一条消息。他问他的朋友艾伦是否可以向他借一把刀具,但艾伦没有。


他的朋友建议,然后警察会为他提供“免费服务”,并帮助他解开锁着的自行车。他补充说,王应该拍下他锁着的自行车的照片,并将其展示给调查人员。实际上,群聊成员中没有一个人希望 Ong 报警。


他对线上的警官说:“我在Waterway Point的自行车停放处发现了我被盗的自行车,我需要警察的帮助。”

结果,一名调查官被派往 Ong 的案件,两名地面响应官被派往自行车停放处。其中一个问Ong发生了什么事,Ong告诉他锁在那里的一辆自行车是他的。


当他回来时,自行车不见了,他声称。他进一步声称,他在同一天寻找自行车时,偶然在该地点发现了用自行车锁固定的自行车。尽管知道这是假的,Ong 还是说了这一切。

警官继续向 Ong 要求他的自行车上的特殊雕刻或序列号,但 Ong 不知道任何。他向警官展示了他的自行车的照片,警官开始现场调查。

警官给Ong拍了一张照片,Ong问为什么有必要。该警官回答说,这是为了将他的着装与闭路电视 (CCTV) 镜头相匹配,因为警察会对其进行检查以确认自行车是否属于他。

在这一点上,Ong 知道比赛已经结束,因为他将在闭路电视录像中显示他将自行车放在自行车停放处。然后他承认没有人偷过他的自行车,而且他丢了自行车锁的钥匙。


Ong 的律师表示,犯罪行为“完全是出于愚蠢”,并没有任何恶意。

如果故意向公务员提供虚假信息,Ong 可能会被处以最高 5,000 新元的罚款。

在回应 CNA 的询问时,SPF 表示其官员“应该遵守法律并保持最高的行为和诚信标准”。



随后进行了调查,Ong 于 9 月 3 日被停职。

SPF 表示,在 Ong 被定罪后,它已开始对 Ong 采取“内部行动”。

S$640 Million Support Plan For Businesses And Workers Affected By Covid-19 Extension Restrictions


Singapore: After announcing on Wednesday (October 20) that Singapore will extend its COVID-19 restrictions for nearly a month, it will roll out a S$640 million support plan for affected businesses and workers.

The stabilization phase began on September 27 to help reduce the pressure on the healthcare system, and it is planned to last until October 24.

It has now been extended to November 21 and the measures will be reviewed within two weeks. The Ministry of Health (MOH) said at a media conference that they may make adjustments based on the situation at the time.

In the stable phase, social gatherings and meals are restricted to groups of two, while working from home is the default arrangement.

In view of the extended restrictions, the government will continue to implement the employment support program until November 21, providing 25% wage support for industries severely affected by the tightening measures.

These include catering, retail, cinemas, museums and art galleries, family entertainment, tourism, gyms and fitness studios, as well as performing arts and art education.

Eligible tenants of government-owned commercial properties will receive a two-week rent exemption.

According to the Rental Support Scheme (RSS), eligible tenants and tenants of self-occupied commercial properties will also receive 0.5 months of rent relief in cash.

Cooked food and market stall owners from centers managed by the National Environment Agency (NEA) or operators designated by NEA will receive a 0.5 month rent exemption.

Comment: Confidence in defeating COVID-19 reduces the need for continuing employment support programs
Support for drivers
Taxi and private car hire drivers will receive subsidies of S$10 and S$5 per car per day in November and December, respectively.

The Land Transport Authority (LTA) stated in another media release that the extension of the COVID-19 Driver Relief Fund support will cost an additional S$16 million and is expected to benefit approximately 50,000 drivers.

The LTA stated: “This brings the total amount reserved by the government for the taxi and PHC (private car) industries to approximately S$520 million from February 2020,” adding that taxi operators have also pledged to continue to provide rent to drivers Exempt. The top priority of government assistance.

The Ministry of Health stated that the latest support package will be funded by higher-than-expected income collected so far and will not use past reserves.