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由于武吉美拉综合诊所的错误,117 人接种了较低剂量的 COVID-19 疫苗


新加坡:经营该综合诊所的 SingHealth 周日(10 月 24 日)表示,有 100 多名在武吉美拉综合诊所接种了 COVID-19 疫苗的人错误地接种了较低剂量的疫苗。

该事件影响了 111 名患者和 6 名工作人员,他们于 10 月 20 日至 22 日期间接种了疫苗。

SingHealth 在一次媒体发布会上说,他们接受了“低得多”的疫苗剂量,约为推荐剂量的 10%。


SingHealth 表示,在发现事件后,立即采取行动确定错误的程度并联系受影响的患者。

该公司表示,已经联系了所有受影响的患者,并正在安排他们尽快在 SingHealth 综合诊所接种“完全替代剂量”的疫苗。

“根据卫生部目前的疫苗接种指南,我们想向所有受影响的患者保证,最初减少的剂量不太可能引起任何不良反应,并且他们继续进行 COVID-19 疫苗替代治疗在临床上是安全的剂量,”SingHealth 说。



SingHealth Polyclinics 首席执行官 Adrian Ee 为受影响的患者及其家人造成的“焦虑和不便”道歉。

Ee 博士说:“我们将采取一切必要措施解决他们的担忧,并尽快为他们接种 COVID-19 替代疫苗提供便利。”

他说,已立即采取措施纠正错误,并已提醒工作人员正确使用新注射器来注射 COVID-19 疫苗。

“我们还想向我们的患者保证,我们已经彻底审查了我们的流程,并将确保员工熟悉新设备的使用,”Ee 博士说。

Due To An Error At The Bukit Merah Polyclinic, 117 People Received A Lower Dose Of The Covid-19 Vaccine


Singapore: SingHealth, which runs the polyclinic, stated on Sunday (October 24) that more than 100 people who had received the COVID-19 vaccine at Bukit Merah Polyclinic had mistakenly received a lower dose of the vaccine.

The incident affected 111 patients and 6 staff members who were vaccinated between October 20th and 22nd.

SingHealth said at a media conference that they received a “much lower” vaccine dose, about 10% of the recommended dose.

“This incident occurred due to an error in identifying the correct markings on the new syringes recently introduced to the clinic,” the health care organization said.

SingHealth said that after the incident was discovered, it took immediate action to determine the extent of the error and contact the affected patients.

The company stated that it has contacted all affected patients and is arranging for them to receive a “complete replacement dose” of the vaccine as soon as possible at the SingHealth Polyclinic.

“According to the current vaccination guidelines of the Ministry of Health, we want to assure all affected patients that the initially reduced dose is unlikely to cause any adverse reactions, and that their continued COVID-19 vaccine replacement therapy is clinically safe. “SingHealth said.

The company said that as an additional precaution, all affected patients will be evaluated by a doctor before receiving the replacement dose.

The organization said: “Our investigation also confirmed that this is an isolated incident, and all other vaccinations and services of our polyclinic are not affected,” adding that measures have been taken to prevent recurrence in its polyclinic.

Adrian Ee, CEO of SingHealth Polyclinics, apologized for the “anxiety and inconvenience” caused by affected patients and their families.

Dr. Ee said: “We will take all necessary measures to resolve their concerns and provide them with the convenience of vaccinating alternative COVID-19 vaccines as soon as possible.”

He said that immediate measures have been taken to correct the error and the staff has been reminded to properly use the new syringe to inject the COVID-19 vaccine.

“We also want to assure our patients that we have thoroughly reviewed our processes and will ensure that employees are familiar with the use of the new equipment,” said Dr. Ee.

巩俐, 55岁,据称放弃新加坡公民身份



现年 55 岁的她于 2008 年获得新加坡公民身份,距她 1996 年与当地烟草大亨 Ooi Hoe Seong 结婚十多年后。

尽管他们在 2010 年离婚,但现在与法国音乐家让-米歇尔·雅尔结婚的巩俐仍然持有新加坡公民身份,这让她受到了中国网民的抨击,指责她“赚中国钱,但拒绝透露身份” .






Gong Li, 55, Reportedly Renouncing Singaporean Citizenship


One month after Nicholas Tse revealed that he would give up his Canadian citizenship, news broke that Gong Li was no longer a Singaporean.

The 55-year-old obtained Singapore citizenship in 2008, more than a decade after she married the local tobacco tycoon Ooi Hoe Seong in 1996.

Although they divorced in 2010, Gong Li, who is now married to French musician Jean-Michel Jarre, still holds Singaporean citizenship. This has caused her to be criticized by Chinese netizens, accusing her of “making Chinese money but rejecting it. Reveal your identity”.

Recently, the Chinese government launched the Qinglang Campaign, which aims to prohibit bad behaviors in the Internet and cultural and entertainment fields.

According to rumors, one of the methods they used was to blacklist the foreigners of Chinese celebrities, and Gong Li is believed to be one of the people affected.

Gong Li and ex-husband Ooi Hoe Seong
Now, Chinese media say Gong Li has given up Singaporean nationality and applied for Chinese nationality.

Netizens reacted to this news with mixed reactions. Some people praised her as “patriotic, even if it came a little late.”

Others criticized her for “doing this just to protect her wallet.”



新加坡:新加坡周六(10 月 23 日)宣布,它将对来自六个国家(包括孟加拉国和印度)的一些旅客重新开放边境,并放宽对其他几个国家(包括马来西亚和印度尼西亚)的检测和居家通知限制。

卫生部(MOH)在媒体发布会上说,这是在对这些国家的 COVID-19 情况进行审查之后进行的。

从 10 月 26 日晚上 11 点 59 分开始,在前往新加坡之前,有 14 天旅行历史的孟加拉国、印度、缅甸、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦和斯里兰卡的旅客(不包括短期游客)将被允许进入或过境。再次国家。

这些旅客将受到第四类边境限制,其中包括在专用设施中的 10 天居家通知。


从 10 月 26 日晚上 11 点 59 分开始,所有来自 III 类地区的旅客都可以在其申报的居住地或住宿地点发出为期 10 天的居家通知——无论旅客及其家庭成员的疫苗接种状况和旅行历史如何.

III 类旅客目前必须申请选择不在专用设施中提供居家通知,但须遵守某些限制。

“默认情况下,他们不会被分配到任何专门的 SHN 设施中,”卫生部周六表示。



卫生部表示:“将对违反 SHN 要求或作出虚假声明的人采取行动。”

此外,从 10 月 26 日晚上 11 点 59 分开始,大多数旅客将接受较少的测试。

来自第二类(未接种疫苗的旅行路线目的地)、第三类和第四类国家的所有旅客将不再需要进行抵达时聚合酶链反应 (PCR) 测试。

相反,他们只会在居家通知结束时接受退出 PCR 测试。

在居家通知期间,III 类和 IV 类旅客也将不再需要在抵达后的第三天和第七天接受额外的抗原快速检测 (ART)。

当局此前还宣布,从 11 月 1 日起,该国将允许必要的工人和学生以“安全且经过校准的方式”进入新加坡,前提是他们在抵达前接种了全面疫苗。


卫生部长王乙康在 COVID-19 工作组的新闻发布会上说,最常见的问题之一是为什么新加坡要重新开放边境,尽管没有放松国内限制,例如允许更大的群体进餐。












Singapore Allows Some Travelers From South Asia To Relax Home Notification Restrictions On Malaysia And Indonesia


Singapore: Singapore announced on Saturday (October 23) that it will reopen its borders to some travellers from six countries (including Bangladesh and India), and relax testing and inspections for several other countries (including Malaysia and Indonesia). Home notification restrictions.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) said at a media conference that this was done after reviewing the COVID-19 situation in these countries.

Starting at 11:59 pm on October 26, before heading to Singapore, travelers from Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka (excluding short-term tourists) with a 14-day travel history will be allowed to enter or transit. Country again.

These travelers will be subject to the fourth type of border restriction, which includes a 10-day home notice in a dedicated facility.

Simplified home notification agreement
In addition, Malaysia, Cambodia, Egypt, Hungary, Indonesia, Israel, Mongolia, Qatar, Rwanda, Samoa, Seychelles, South Africa, Tonga, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Vietnam will be placed in the third category of measures under.

Beginning at 11:59 pm on October 26, all passengers from Category III areas can issue a 10-day home notification at their declared residence or place of accommodation regardless of the vaccination status and vaccination status of the passenger and his family members. What is the travel history.

Class III passengers must currently apply for the option not to provide home notifications in dedicated facilities, subject to certain restrictions.

“By default, they will not be assigned to any dedicated SHN facility,” the Ministry of Health said on Saturday.

It added that if their home is not suitable for their home notice, returning residents should ensure that they can find other homes before returning.

But the authorities added that these travelers must stay in their declared place of residence or domicile during the entire home notification period and wear electronic monitoring equipment.

The Ministry of Health stated: “It will take action against those who violate SHN requirements or make false declarations.”

Less testing on passengers
In addition, starting at 11:59 pm on October 26th, most travelers will undergo fewer tests.

All travelers from Type 2 (unvaccinated destinations on travel routes), Type 3, and Type 4 countries will no longer need to undergo polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing on arrival.

Instead, they will only accept withdrawal from the PCR test at the end of the home notification.

During the home notification period, category III and category IV passengers will no longer need to undergo additional rapid antigen testing (ART) on the third and seventh days after arrival.

Fully vaccinated domestic workers
The authorities also previously announced that from November 1st, the country will allow necessary workers and students to enter Singapore in a “safe and calibrated manner”, provided that they are fully vaccinated before arrival.

“As part of this initiative, we will promote the entry of more domestic workers to meet the urgent domestic and nursing needs of local families, while cautiously adjusting the number as the global situation develops,” the press release said.

Why did Singapore relax its borders?
Health Minister Ong Ye Kung said at a press conference of the COVID-19 working group that one of the most common questions is why Singapore is reopening its borders, despite not relaxing domestic restrictions, such as allowing larger groups to eat.

He explained that border restrictions had been implemented earlier to prevent the “influx” of infections into the country.

“Now the situation has changed,” he said.

“After months of pandemic transmission, the pandemic situation in many countries has stabilized, and their infection rates-some of them are even lower than Singapore. Therefore, we can safely open up travel routes with these countries.”

He said that in order to be safer, only fully vaccinated travelers are allowed and testing is required-which is why imported infections account for only a “small part” of the total number of infections in the community.

He said that opening the border also has many benefits, including allowing the country to bring in “urgently needed” workers to complete infrastructure projects such as public housing.

He said that allowing domestic workers will also ease the pressure on many families in Singapore.

“I think (these steps) will make life easier for many businesses, contractors and families.”

A reporter also asked Mr Ong whether the classification of Singapore as a “high-risk” destination by other countries would affect travel negotiations with countries such as Australia.

In this regard, Mr Ong said: “I think they reflect the fact that we are going through a big wave… But there is a lot of goodwill between these partners, not only Germany and the United States, but also Australia.”

“At some point (infections) will stabilize and (they) will decline. We all hope to work together to keep our contacts and our people-to-people exchanges.

“Therefore, it shouldn’t, and I don’t think it will prevent us from continuing our joint initiative to develop a vaccination lane,” Mr. Ong said.

Germany Lists Singapore As A “High-Risk Area” And Travelers Must Register For Entry


Singapore: The German Embassy in Singapore announced that Germany will list Singapore as a “high-risk area” from Sunday (October 24).

The embassy said in a Facebook post that those who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 can still travel to Germany without quarantine, but they must complete a digital entry registration before entering the country.

According to the website of the German Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, travelers who have visited high-risk areas or areas of variation concern in the past 10 days need to register for entry. They must carry the registration certificate with them when entering the country.

Children under the age of 12 who have not been vaccinated need to be isolated for five days upon arrival.

Germany is one of the 11 countries that Singapore has established a vaccination channel with the country. Passengers traveling to these countries/regions do not need to be quarantined, but must test negative for COVID-19 before departure and upon arrival.

In addition to Singapore, four other countries-Bulgaria, Cameroon, Croatia and the Republic of Congo-are included in Germany’s “high-risk” list.

Singapore reported 3,637 new COVID-19 cases and 14 deaths on Friday.

Earlier this month, due to the current COVID-19 situation, the United States has raised Singapore’s travel alert to the highest risk level.

When asked whether such recommendations would affect the negotiation on travel routes for vaccination, Minister of Health Wang Yikang said that countries issued these recommendations to remind their citizens of the high infection rate in Singapore and take preventive measures when they are here.

Mr. Wang said at a press conference of the COVID-19 working group: “I think they are reflecting that we are going through a big wave, so the infection rate is higher, but there is a lot of goodwill among these partners.”.

“We all know this is a ritual that we have to go through, and it will stabilize at some point… We all want to get together and keep our contact (and) our communication.

“So it shouldn’t. I don’t think it will. It prevents us from continuing our joint initiative to develop a lane for vaccination.”



新加坡:德国驻新加坡大使馆宣布,德国将从周日(10 月 24 日)起将新加坡列为“高风险地区”。

大使馆在 Facebook 帖子中说,那些完全接种了 COVID-19 疫苗的人仍然可以在不需要隔离的情况下前往德国,但他们必须在进入该国之前完成数字入境登记。

根据德国联邦外交部网站,在过去 10 天内访问过高风险地区或变异关注地区的旅行者需要进行入境登记。他们必须在入境时随身携带登记证明。

未接种疫苗的 12 岁以下儿童在抵达后需要隔离五天。

德国是新加坡与该国建立了疫苗接种通道的 11 个国家之一。前往这些国家/地区的旅客无需隔离,但必须在出发前和抵达时进行 COVID-19 检测呈阴性。


新加坡周五报告了 3,637 例新的 COVID-19 病例和 14 例死亡病例。

本月早些时候,由于当前的 COVID-19 情况,美国已将新加坡的旅行警报提高到最高风险级别。


王先生在 COVID-19 工作组的新闻发布会上说:“我认为他们正在反思我们正在经历一波大浪潮,因此感染率更高,但这些合作伙伴之间有很多善意。” .



Old Chang Kee Is Giving Away Free Curry’o Puffs To All Healthcare Staff At Selected Outlets Till 29 Oct 2021


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Note: Free items are subjected to change & availability.

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Man Issued An Arrest Warrant After Visiting Grandma And Eating Frog Porridge During Sick Leave


Singapore: A 21-year-old man pleaded guilty to two charges of leaving home on sick leave due to respiratory infections, but failed to appear in court and has issued an arrest warrant.

An arrest warrant was issued against Verner Chua Jun Jie on Friday (October 22) because he failed to appear in court and he is ready to plead guilty to his charges.

According to the Infectious Diseases Act, Cai faces two charges on charges that he left the house to put others at risk of contracting COVID-19 when he was ordered to stay at home during sick leave.

According to the fee schedule, Cai was diagnosed with an upper respiratory tract infection by a doctor in Bukit Batok and was told to stay at home from August 23 to August 27 last year.

However, Tsai allegedly left his apartment on West Coast Boulevard on August 27 and took a Grab vehicle to Bukit Batok’s house to visit his grandmother.

Then, he took another Grab car to a coffee shop to buy lunch, and then took the third Grab car home.

In December last year, he was diagnosed with an acute respiratory infection by a doctor at a clinic in Bukit Gomak. The doctor issued him a medical certificate and asked him to stay at home from December 6 to December 8.

However, Tsai allegedly did not go home immediately. Instead, he was accused of taking a taxi from the clinic to Jalan Sultan to meet friends.

He allegedly took another taxi from there to Balestier for dessert with his friends. After that, they took the third taxi to Geylang, where they ate frog porridge, and then Cai went home.

Chua is accused of exposing his grandmother, his friends and other people in the locations he visited to his risk of contracting COVID-19.

A hearing to review his arrest warrant is scheduled for December 3.

If convicted under the Infectious Diseases Act, he may be sentenced to up to six months in prison, a fine of up to S$10,000, or both.