Police Advisory On Phishing Scams Involving Emails And Text Messages


The Police have continued to see an increase in phishing scams cases involving emails and text messages, with more than 220 reports lodged since January 2020.

Victims of such phishing scams received emails or text messages by scammers impersonating entities the victims know or trust, such as banks, government agencies, trade unions, or companies such as SingPost, StarHub, Netflix, PayPal and DHL. These emails and text messages make fake offers or claims to trick recipients into clicking on an URL link. Such fake offers or claims include outstanding payment for parcel delivery, disruptions to services or subscriptions, refunds, or promotions. Upon clicking on the URL links, victims will be redirected to fraudulent websites where they are tricked into providing their credit/debit card details and One-Time Password (OTP). Victims only realised that they have been scammed when they discovered unauthorised transactions made using their credit/debit card.

As year-end online shopping events such as the “eGSS 2020” approaches, members of the public may be exposed to such phishing scams as they come across fake online offers or expect deliveries for their online purchases. Members of the public are advised to follow these crime prevention measures:

  1. Do not click on URL links provided in unsolicited emails and text messages;
  2. Always verify the authenticity of the information with the official website or sources;
  3. Never disclose your personal or Internet banking details and OTP to anyone; and
  4. Report any fraudulent credit/debit card charges to your bank and cancel your card immediately. 

For more information on scams, members of the public can visit www.scamalert.sg or call the Anti-Scam Hotline at 1800-722-6688. Anyone with information on such scams may call the Police hotline at 1800-255-0000 or submit information online at www.police.gov.sg/iwitness. Together, we can help stop scams and prevent our loved ones from falling prey to scams.

Annex A

Images of Scam Emails, SMS and Phishing Websites

Image 1: Screenshot of phishing SMS directing victims to phishing website


Images 2 – 6: Screenshot of phishing website requesting victims to enter their personal information

Image 2Image 3
Image 4Image 5Image 6

Images 7 and 8: Screenshot of phishing SMS directing victims to fake website impersonating SingPost

Image 7Image 8

Image 9 and 10: Screenshot of payment page impersonating SingPost requesting victims to enter their payment card details.

Image 9Image 10
Image 11: Screenshot of phishing email impersonating NetflixImage 12: Screenshot of payment page impersonating Netflix requesting victims to enter their payment card details.

Image 13 and 14: Screenshots of phishing email impersonating Starhub

Image 13
Image 14

Image 15 and 16: Screenshots of phishing email impersonating Starhub

Image 15
Image 16

Image 17 and 18: Screenshots of login and payment pages impersonating Starhub requesting victims to enter their payment card details.

Image 17
Image 18
Image 19: Screenshot of phishing email impersonating Paypal
Image 20: Screenshot of payment page impersonating Paypal requesting victims to enter their payment card details.
Image 21: Screenshot of phishing email impersonating DHL

Image 22 and 23: Screenshots of payment page impersonating DHL requesting victims to enter their payment card details.

Image 21Image 23

18 September 2020 @ 10:10 AM