More than 890 new dengue cases in Singapore in a week, surpassing record high from 2014



SINGAPORE – The weekly number of dengue cases in Singapore has reached a record high, with 895 people diagnosed in just five and a half days – surpassing the 891 infections reported for one week in 2014.

The country, which is now in its peak dengue season, has seen a surge in dengue infections this year. More than 10,700 have been infected, and at least 12 have died.

Singapore’s worst dengue outbreak took place between 2013 and 2014, when more than 40,000 people were infected and 14 died from the mosquito-borne disease, which can cause very high fever, severe headache and joint and muscle pain.

Ahead of the traditional peak dengue season between June and October, Singapore has already seen twice as many infections compared with the same period last year. This has been due to the rise of a less common dengue virus serotype, as well as warmer temperatures and more rain, which has caused the population of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which transmits dengue, to increase. 

Between January and April, there were 300 to 400 new cases each week.

In May, the number of weekly cases began to increase sharply.


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