Miracle baby: Mum in Singapore shares story of how her baby was brought back to life



Every woman has a tale to tell about the day she became a mother. Some are funny and others, not so much, but all are 100 per cent raw and inspirational. 

For Fareena Ismail, her baby girl Ariana Aaleeyah Binte Arif almost didn’t make it into the world. 

Mum Shares Birth Story

Taking to theAsianparent app on 29 September 2020 to share her birth story, Fareena said she woke up to a continuous “gush of fluid” on 28 September morning.

That prompted her to call her husband, Arif who was working at that time to return home. They proceeded to the hospital thereafter.

“Gynae came to see me at 12PM and told me I was not dilated yet but [it was] confirmed [that the] waterbag broke. She asked me if I would like to speed up the process (something like induced) or go home and wait for contractions, otherwise to come back at 7AM the next day (sic),” wrote Fareena, who then chose the latter. 


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