'It's funny how people misinterpreted me being the father': Cyclist who saved toddler from traffic in viral video



A cyclist saved a toddler from certain death last Friday (May 15) when the child merrily rode his kickscooter into the middle of a busy three-lane road in Yishun. His feat was even captured in a nerve-racking dashcam video. 

Alas, it wasn’t all praises for the two-wheeled rescuer. 

When the footage got shared widely on Facebook, unenlightened netizens immediately assumed that the cyclist was an irresponsible father who barely managed to rescue his son from getting run down. 

Understandably, the clip posted on the Singapore Roads safety/Roads safety.SG Facebook page doesn’t show the full context of the incident. In the video, the cyclist is seen stopping right next to the toddler in the second lane, pulling the child to a stop as a truck whizzed past them. 

The man then swiftly picked up the child onto his shoulders and carted the boy and his kickscooter safely to the side of the road. 


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