Hallelujah! Japanese toilet dims lights, blasts Handel's Messiah after use


The main lights dim, a spotlight shines downwards, and the music immediately starts up as the majestic sounds of the Hallelujah chorus from German composer George Handel’s famous “Messiah” fill the room.

Where is this? In a film? At an orchestral performance?

No. Actually, this is a toilet in Japan.

According to Japanese blog RocketNews 24, the “divine” lavatory is located at the Warehouse Amusement Game Park in the city of Saitama, north of Tokyo.

The arcade also boasts billiards, darts, karaokes and an internet cafe, reported Britain’s Daily Mail.

A video of the experience was recently posted on Twitter by a user. It has garnered almost 15,000 likes and has been retweeted close to 20,000 times.

The user tweeted: “I just came to play darts, but the toilet was amazing!”

That a toilet like this is to be found in Japan is perhaps not surprising, given that the country’s well-known obsession with cleanliness and hygiene.

Earlier this year, The Japan News reported on the growing popularity of self-cleaning toilets, which not only cleans a user’s posterior but also automatically cleans the toilet bowl.

Japan is also famous for its high-tech toilets with various extra features, including warmth-emitting toilet seats and motion sensors to conserve energy and water.

The country takes toilet hygiene so seriously that Haruko Arimura, a former Cabinet minister, said she did not mind being called the “minister of toilets“.


Publication Date: 
Thursday, June 9, 2016 – 11:32
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