Giving.Sg Platform Receives Record S$95.5m Donation In 2021: NVPC


SINGAPORE: National digital giving platform has received a record S$95.5 million in donations in 2021, the National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre (NVPC) said in a press release on Wednesday (Jan 19).

This is the largest amount collected in a year since the NVPC launched the platform in 2010.

Compared with 2020, this amount increased by 2.3%, and compared with 2019 before the pandemic, it increased by 167%.

The NVPC attributes this to an increase in virtual giving during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The pandemic has also accelerated the adoption of technology in fundraising, it added.

Last year, the number of non-profit organizations (NPOs) on increased by 5.8%. The platform currently supports 625 registered charities.

In 2021, across all entities, nearly 4,880 fundraising campaigns were launched on the platform, a 21.2% increase from the previous year.

NVPC deputy chief executive Tony Soh said charities must remain flexible to “meet the challenges posed by the pandemic and keep up with the changing needs of beneficiaries”.

“Using a hybrid fundraising campaign — synchronizing in-person giving programs with virtual platforms — can bridge existing gaps in the industry while encouraging more people to donate,” he said.

Year-End Festival
During the year-end festive period in December, donations of S$25.4 million were up 20.4% year-on-year and were the highest monthly donations on the platform. On 31 December alone, S$3.5 million was raised, a record for one-day donations.

The Great Singapore Give was a fundraising event in December as part of SG Cares Giving Week, contributing S$2.1 million to the total donations raised.

Mr So said: “To inspire and promote the willingness of Singaporeans to give, we work with government agencies and companies to empower charities through marketing efforts such as enhancing the digital capabilities of non-profit organisations and raising awareness of the nation’s fundraising efforts. , such as the great Singapore giving.”

Transaction Waiver
Giving’s transaction fees as part of NVPC’s continued efforts to support charities. SGs will continue to be exempted until March 31, 2022.

The two-year waiver will allow charities to receive full donations, the NVPC said.

“It’s been a difficult time for charities in Singapore. It’s even more difficult trying to navigate the crisis alone,” it said.

“Over the past two years, the NVPC has been working tirelessly with various stakeholders to uplift the people and communities that have been struggling.”