Get your tissues: Steve Irwin’s son is basically a mini-Steve on ‘Tonight Show’



Um, does the Irwin family have access to some kind of underground cloning technology? Because Robert Irwin, the late Steve Irwin’s son, is the spitting image of his dad down to the khaki shorts and endless enthusiasm.

A conservationist and TV personality, Steve died in 2006 after being struck by a stingray barb, but he clearly passed his media chops onto his son. The 13-year-old appeared on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon on Thursday, and Fallon couldn’t get over the similarity. “It’s so cool to see you like this, you’re actually your Dad,” he said.

Of course, the Irwins have not been out of the spotlight – Robert has appeared on Wild But True on Discovery Kids, among other shows. Still, handling an African dwarf crocodile, an armadillo, a boa and a sloth with ease, Robert has the title of Crocodile Hunter 2.0 on lock.

Read the full article here.

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Monday, February 20, 2017 – 10:57
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