Gen Z entrepreneur earned $300k by the age of 23



Lenney Leong, CEO & Founder of Get Customers grew up in a humble family where scrimping and saving was necessary to get by.

He started working at the age of 12, selling bottled water, dabbled in starting various different businesses, buying and selling Bitcoin, coding his own private Maple Story servers out of curiosity, and was always looking at making a decent income to support his parents.

On Money and Me, Michelle Martin finds out from Lenney about his journey with money and why he says he is a believer in starting a business to make your money work hard for you.

Michelle Martin: I understand you grew up in a family where you felt you needed to work at age 12. Why is that?

Lenney Leong: One of the biggest motivations was for my parents to retire. So, from a very young age, I set my goals to give them a good life when I grew up.

MM: What was your early experience with money?


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