Youths share video of gathering involving champagne, post open invite for secret 'massive party'



A group of youths were spotted gathering in an apartment after posting a video on Instagram Stories.

A Stomp contributor alerted Stomp to the series of videos that showed the youths hanging out and drinking.

There was also a snapshot of a bathtub full of Moët & Chandon champagne.
PHOTO: StompThe last post included an “open invitation” for a secret “massive” party that will allegedly be held on Saturday (May 23).

According to the caption, the party will include DJs, catered food and drinks.

It also said attendees have a chance of winning a five-pack of RELX Pods which are used for e-cigarettes.

This is not the first time youths have been caught gathering during circuit breaker measures.

Stomp earlier reported on youths who posted an Instagram Story of themselves gathering at an HDB staircase while smoking and another group congregated in an apartment.


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