You can take MC for mental health, doctors don't need to state your condition



According to a study done by the Institute of Mental Health last year, one in seven people in Singapore has experienced a mental disorder in their lifetime.

Yet, a 2016 study showed that more than three-quarters of people with a mental health condition in Singapore did not seek any professional help – this was described as a “treatment gap”.

In 2014, a nationwide study examining mental health literacy by the Institute of Mental Health found that a majority of people believed that those with mental health issues could just get better if they wanted to.

This misconception can prevent those who need help from coming forward. But when IMH opened their Mental Health Helpline to the public in 2015, call numbers surged by 70 per cent. So clearly there is a need to discuss this more openly.

Some of the greatest difficulties facing those with mental health issues are mistrust and fear – and these are often unfounded.


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