Working from home to be the norm for most even after circuit breaker ends, says Chan Chun Sing



Working from home will continue to be the norm for the majority even after the circuit breaker ends on June 1, Minister for Trade and Industry Chan Chun Sing said on Sunday (May 3).

Speaking to reporters in a virtual interview, he said that on-site work activities had already been reduced to about 30 per cent prior to the circuit breaker, which began on April 7, and they will likely return to this level when it ends, he said. About 17 per cent of Singapore’s workforce currently commutes to work as they are in essential services.

“For those who are able to work from home, we expect them to continue to work from home for the foreseeable future,” said Mr Chan, who added that many have already become accustomed to using online platforms for meetings and other work activities.


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