Woman killed in traffic accident at Pioneer Road North


SINGAPORE – A woman was killed in an accident involving several vehicles, including a private bus and a lorry, at Pioneer Road North on Thursday (Jan 12) evening.

The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) said it was alerted to the accident at 6.03pm.

A woman in her 40s, believed to be a cyclist, was declared dead on scene by paramedics, SCDF said.

A man in his 60s was sent to Ng Teng Fong General Hospital.

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Pioneer Road North (near Nanyang Flyover) serious mulitple vehicles accident on 12 January 2017 at about 6pm. A 47yr old woman died at the scene.

(Video Credit: Tony Ng)

Posted by Beh Chia Lor – Singapore Road on Thursday, 12 January 2017

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) student Zolene Koh, 20, was on her way to the campus when she came across the scene of the crash.

The private bus was straddling the road divider, and appeared to have crashed through a fence.

Other vehicles involved included a lorry and a white BMW, she said.

She and her schoolmates were delayed by at least 20 minutes as traffic slowed to a crawl near the exit to the Pan-Island Expressway (PIE) on Pioneer Road North.

Traffic police were diverting traffic away from the accident site, and only public buses and shuttle buses from NTU could pass, she said.

Pioneer Road North is closed after Jurong West Avenue 5, The Land Transport Authority (LTA) said in an alert at 7.51pm.

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The road’s exit to the PIE was also closed, LTA tweeted at 8.24pm.

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This article was first published on Jan 12, 2017.
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Publication Date: 
Friday, January 13, 2017 – 09:00
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