Woman, 48, dies of heart attack while asleep in Hougang flat 



Last week, a woman took an afternoon nap in the living room and never woke up again.

When her husband tried to rouse her about 10 hours later, the 48-year-old’s body had already turned stiff and cold.

He immediately asked their son to call for an ambulance. Paramedics soon arrived at their rental flat in Hougang and pronounced the woman dead.

The bereaved family later learnt that she had suffered a heart attack.

Her sudden death was a blow to her son who said: “I cannot accept it. She was doing fine, how could she have died?”

Speaking to Lianhe Wanbao, the woman’s husband said she was diagnosed with schizophrenia more than a decade ago.

She missed an appointment at the Institute of Mental Health on Aug 27, and stayed home because she was feeling unwell.

Little did he expect that she would be gone forever the next day.


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