Woman, 39, charged with keeping farm and dogs in Farmart Centre without licence


SINGAPORE – A 39-year-old woman has been charged on Wednesday (May 17) with keeping a farm and dogs without a licence. 

Lin Xiaoqun, a Singapore permanent resident, faces one charge of owning a farm without licence and nine other charges of owning dogs without licence. The prosecution is proceeding with five charges. 

Lin is the licensee of Ethans Pet Resort, located in Farmart Centre at Sungei Tengah. She was also found to have carried out dog breeding activities at the premises, without a valid licence . 

The dogs that Lin kept without licence include a female Chow Chow and two female Golden Retrievers. The dogs averaged three months in age. 

Lin had voluntarily surrendered a total of nine adult dogs and four puppies to AVA. She admitted that the unlicenced adult dogs were used for breeding.

She intends to plead guilty, the court heard. 

For keeping or maintaining a farm without valid licence, Lin could face a fine not exceeding S$10,000, or a jail term of not more than 12 months, or both. 

For owning a dog without licence, she could be fined up to S$5,000 per charge. 

In court on Wednesday, Lin, dressed in a blue blouse, showed no emotion as her charges were read to her. 

She will next appear in court on June 14. 

(Photos: The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority)

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