Withholding original PSLE results slips due to unpaid school fees a longstanding practice: MOE



SINGAPORE – Withholding the original Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) results slip due to school fees arrears is a “longstanding practice”, the Education Ministry (MOE) said on Tuesday evening (Nov 26).

The ministry was responding to a Facebook post by career counsellor and activist Gilbert Goh which has been circulating online.

Mr Goh had said on Monday that he came across a parent whose daughter received a photocopy of her PSLE results but not the original slip. Due to financial reasons, the family had not paid $156 in school fees.

PSLE results were released last week.

In response to queries, the MOE said: “In the case highlighted by the Facebook posts, the parents did not pay miscellaneous fees for two years despite several reminders, and did not put in any application for MOE or school-based financial assistance which would have covered all the costs.

“The child will still receive a copy of the results, just not the original results slip, and she can still apply for secondary schools and will progress like all students.”


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