With Virus Vanguard gone, team of Covid-19-themed evildoers called CoronaVillains take over



You’ve heard of the Virus Vanguard — the band of fictional coronavirus-themed cartoon superheroes commissioned by the government

Now meet the ragtag team of coronavirus-themed supervillains who’ll be able to take them on. And no, their weapons of war aren’t made of petitions started by local Liverpool Football Club fans or negative Facebook page reviews. 

In a collaboration between local art and illustration house A Good Citizen and writer Jonathan Lim, a series of cartoon characters were created, each embodying the worst types of Singaporeans we’ve all seen during the course of the coronavirus outbreak. 

There’s Panic Boy, for example, a hoarder who’s been snatching everything he can get his hands on — toilet paper, bubble tea, rice, instant noodles — for himself and no one else. 


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