With home-based learning, some pupils fret more about PSLE



She has prepared herself to face a challenging school year, but Japhanie Tan Yan Ting is now worried she is not learning enough for PSLE because of home-based learning (HBL).

The Primary 6 pupil from Jing Shan Primary School is concerned she may not be able to meet her academic targets.

“I am not sure if I would be able to do as well because we learn less from home now as compared to when we were in the classroom because of the shorter lessons during HBL,” she said.

“When I have questions, I cannot get them answered immediately and after a while, I may forget the questions. This makes it harder to understand the topic completely,” she added.

To motivate herself, the head prefect thinks about getting to secondary school and tries her best to stick to revision schedules she has set for herself.

Madam Lee Suet Fong, the lead school counsellor at the Education Ministry’s guidance branch, said a healthy state of mental well-being is important for a student as it promotes a spirit of resilience during the growing years and especially during this period of time.


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