Windows smashed, air conditioners damaged after fallen tree hit HDB block near Old Airport Road


SINGAPORE: A tree fell and hit an HDB block at Jalan Dua, near Old Airport Road, during a heavy downpour early Wednesday (Apr 3) morning, damaging windows and air conditioning units on the building.

A spokesperson for Marine Parade Town Council (MPTC) said the incident near Block 97, Jalan Dua, happened at around 5am. 

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The tree fell during a heavy downpour on the morning of Apr 3, 2019. (Photo: Jeremy Long)

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Shards of broken glass in the window of a 6th floor unit at Block 97, Jalan Dua. (Photo: Jeremy Long)

Block 97 resident Selvam Steve, 52, said he was woken up by the sound of his window pane shattering at about 5.20am. He told CNA that his family had found broken glass shards up to his living room.

Mr Steve, who has lived in a unit on the fifth floor for 13 years, said this was the first time something like this had happened.

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Contractors remove the fallen tree that hit Blk 97, Jalan Dua. (Photo: Jeremy Long)

A 60-year-old resident, who wanted to be known only as Madam Tan, also said she woke up to a “loud noise”.

“It sounded like something very heavy,” said Madam Tan, who lives alone in a unit on the 6th floor.

She said she counted herself “lucky” that her windows were not damaged, even though the tree was leaning against it. The windows in the unit next to hers were in a bad state, she added.

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Air conditioning units on the 5th, 6th and 7th floors were damaged when the tree fell. (Photo: Jeremy Long)

The spokesperson for MPTC said a horticulture contractor was called to the scene once they were alerted to the incident.

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Contractors work to remove the tree from the scene. (Photo: Jeremy Long)

“Our contractor [has] since removed the tree and cleared the debris, and there were no reported injuries,” the spokesperson added.

“We are currently liaising with the affected residents and assisting them to repair the damages.”

jalan dua fallen tree pavilion damage

The fallen tree also damaged a structure near Blk 97, Jalan Dua. (Photo: Jeremy Long)

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