Wild boar feedback more than quadruples in last 2 years


SINGAPORE: Feedback to the authorities about wild boars increased sharply last year, with more members of the public contacting the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) of Singapore with complaints, sightings and other comments.

The AVA told Channel NewsAsia on Thursday (Jan 13) it received 140 pieces of feedback about wild boars last year – up from 80 in 2015 and 30 in 2014 – mirroring the increased number of sightings reported by media in recent months.

Family of wild boars at Pasir Ris Dr 12

SNOUT AND ABOUT: A family of wild boars scampering out of hiding along Pasir Ris Drive 12 – an increasingly common sight as the animals are drawn by more people leaving food for them, says ACRES: Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (Singapore).

Posted by Channel NewsAsia on Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Last year, two motorcyclists were hurt in separate accidents – in April and November – involving wild boars which had wandered onto expressways. In June, one of the untamed pigs reportedly chased and injured a boy in a Punggol housing estate. A video of a woman feeding the animals in the same vicinity emerged some days later.

In response to the feedback last year, AVA told Channel NewsAsia it trapped and “humanely euthanised” 21 wild boars as relocation options are unavailable.


The agency also said 13 of the pieces of feedback it received in 2016 about boars were from the vicinity of Pasir Ris Heights and Pasir Ris Drive 3, which has emerged as a hotspot for sightings. AVA has been conducting surveillance and control operations in the area to ensure public safety.

A wild boar sighted just before dusk, at the junction of Pasir Ris Drive 12 and 3 (Photo: Justin Ong)

Kidz Meadow, a kindergarten located along Pasir Ris Heights, told Channel NewsAsia its staff and students had never encountered any wild boars, although one parent recently informed the school of a sighting at a nearby carpark. In response, the preschool reached out to the National Parks Board, who said it would look into the matter.

Meanwhile, residents in the area who were out jogging and walking on Thursday evening told Channel NewsAsia they were generally unconcerned by the presence of the feral swine.

Two of those people – who did not want to be named – even said they had never seen the boars in their respective 10 and 17 years of staying in Pasir Ris.

Resident Jason Guo, however, said that at least once a week, he would spot a herd of about 10 grazing in the forested area along Pasir Ris Heights. This only started about a year ago, the 25-year-old engineer added.

Another resident, Mr Kong, said boar sightings in the area were infrequent – although the 50-year-old did come across one further up north pounding the running path in Pasir Ris Park.

“Nothing to worry about… If they come near you, just siam,” he said, using the Singlish term for getting out of the way.

When Channel NewsAsia visited the area on Thursday evening, a solitary boar was spotted along Pasir Ris Heights, just before Kiz Meadow Kindergarten.

Spot the boar (Photo: Justin Ong)

But a herd of at least 15 was openly grazing at the junction of Pasir Ris Drive 12 and 3, in close proximity to passing cars and cyclists.

(Photo: Justin Ong)

Neeraj Bansal, who has lived just across the junction for three years, said that sightings had increased sharply in the last two weeks.

“I’m a bit concerned,” said the 33-year-old business analyst. “I have little kids, and some of the boars are very big and have really sharp teeth. Whenever we see them, we turn the other way and go off.”

“I’m not sure how they’re coming here,” he said, while suggesting the authorities could perhaps fence off the forested areas from the main road.

Wild boars graze close to the footpath at the junction of Pasir Ris Drive 12 and 3 (Photo: Justin Ong)


AVA said the wild boars could be venturing into the open due to the presence of food or feeders. “Irresponsible feeding of wild animals can lead to an unsustainable population growth,” said a spokesperson.

“We urge the public to play their part and not feed wild boars.”

Anbarasi Boopal, director of the wildlife rescue centre at the Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (ACRES), agreed.

“Wild pigs have been fed by public regularly at Lorong Halus and there have been food and food packets left for wild pigs at Pasir Ris as well on the main road. It will draw the animals out,” she said.

“An island-wide ban on feeding wildlife should be implemented to prevent such situations and should be enforced strictly.”

“When wild animals associate humans with food, they will continue to explore outside their habitats, returning for food and may even approach humans for food.”

AVA also advised the public not to approach, disturb, or try to catch the wild boars.

“The public should keep a safe distance from the wild boars and avoid confronting or cornering them, as wild boars may attack if they feel threatened,” said the agency. “Female wild boars with piglets should be left alone as they are very protective of their young.”

A piglet briefly strays on to the road, only to quickly scurry back into the safety of the forest (Photo: Justin Ong)

“Do not interact with the wild boar, and ensure that young children and pets are kept away as they may be curious and approach it.”

AVA said it would continue to monitor the situation and take necessary measures to ensure public safety.

Ms Anbarasi suggested that measures such as trapping and culling were “not a solution”.

“Singapore is growing as a green city where urbanisation meets wildlife habitats,” she explained. “Wild animals will continue to adapt in these pockets and will continue to explore new habitats.”

“In this light, it is very important for everyone to be aware of ways to live in harmony with the wildlife, to prevent human-wildlife conflict situations.”

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