SINGAPORE – It’s the big show everyone eagerly looks forward to every year around August.
There is no better way to celebrate Singapore’s 51st birthday than witnessing the annual National Day Parade (NDP) live at the Sports Hub.
And AsiaOne wants YOU to be a part of it.
Viewers will get to take in the sights and sounds of colourful floats in the parade, marvel at the stunning aerial performances, feel the goosebumps as the stadium belts out Majulah Singapura in unison, and be wowed by the dazzling fireworks display to culminate the evening.
Having given out a pair of tickets each for the first two NDP Preview shows on July 23 and July 30, AsiaOne is now giving out THREE pairs of tickets for the main event on August 9.
The three winners will each receive one NDP funpack set as well.
All you have to do is answer the following question in 100 words or fewer: What do you think Singapore will be like in the next 50 years?
Send your answer to with the subject header ‘AsiaOne NDP Challenge 2016: NDP 2016’ by Tuesday (August 2). Creative, funny or quirky responses are more than welcome.
Please remember to include your full name, NRIC and mobile number in your entries.
Winners will be notified via email or phone call from Wednesday (August 3) onwards.