What happened to former pop star Stella Ng? Covid-19 brings her and son back to Singapore after 19 years



Remember her?

Back in the early 2000s, two young female Singaporean singers forged their way to Taiwan ⁠— then the capital of Chinese pop music ⁠— to try to make their career. One was Stefanie Sun, and the other Stella Ng, who went by her Chinese name Huang Xiangyi.

Then only 19 years old, the pretty baby-faced singer nicknamed Music’s Sweetheart went on to launch three albums, star in several local and Taiwan TV dramas and movies, and also front more than 10 commercials. Karaoke fans of Harlem Yu’s classic hit Qing Fei De Yi might also recognise her as the star in the music video.

After four years as a popular celebrity (more on that later), a stint as a chocolate entrepreneur, and close to 19 years away from Singapore ⁠— 16 years in Taiwan and two-and-a-half years in Vancouver, Canada ⁠— Stella is now back home in Singapore for the next few years.


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