WATCH: Japanese volunteers clean up Tokyo wearing only loincloths


TOKYO – A group of young Japanese volunteers have been roaming the streets of Tokyo collecting trash regularly for over year dressed only in a loincloth, and sometimes with an extra traditional happi coat when the weather turns cold, like it did on Thursday (October 6).

On this bright crisp autumn day, they were in Tokyo’s iconic Shibuya shopping area, known also as the centre of the nation’s youth culture.

They hoped to inspire others not only to keep the city clean but also to re-evaluate the traditional Japanese loincloth underwear, called fundoshi (pronounced foon-doh-shee).

Most of the volunteers this time came from a human resource development company, though the event is a regular event organised by Fundonshi-bu, a company manufacturing and selling the loincloths.

Japanese volunteers clean up downtown Tokyo wearing only loincloths

Though traditionally considered a male undergarment, the loincloth is also finding fans amongst women who see it as liberating attire.

Saturday, October 7, 2017 – 05:00


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