Want to buy a house from Taufik Batisah? He is now a property agent



If you’re wondering what one becomes after winning Singapore Idol, the answer is: limitless career choices.

The winner of second season of Singapore Idol Hady Mirza became a tempe seller before becoming a Grab driver. Taufik Batisah, the first ever winner of the show, is now a property agent.

His profile is found on Propnex, a real estate company is Singapore.

His brother, Mus Batisah, is an Associate Group Director in the same company.

His brother had congratulated him on his new role last week on Facebook.

So does this mean he is giving up singing?

The answer is no, his agency Hype Records says. The company told Mothership that this will be one of his side projects that he will dabble in during his free time, similar to his F&B business.


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