Valentine's Day dinner idea involving coronavirus panic-hoarded items goes viral



Love in the time of coronavirus can be a tough gig. On one hand, you don’t want to risk catching a viral infection in crowded spots. On the other, it’s Valentine’s Day! It’s hard for lovebirds to spark exciting romance in the great indoors. 

Financial consultant and self-admitted foodie Leslie Koh however, came up with a way to express your affection for a loved one while simultaneously making use of the stuff that you might’ve hoarded during last weekend’s flurry of coronavirus panic buying

“Since so many people are hoarding Maggi mee, canned food, toilet paper and Valentine’s Day is coming, I created this one of a kind Valentine’s Day dinner experience,” the man wrote in a widely shared Facebook post

It’s simple, economical, practical, and maybe, just maybe, romantic: a Maggi mee omelette he dubs “Singapore Style Okonomiyaki”. 


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