The United States Embassy in the Philippines Wednesday (December 28) denied the existence of a “blueprint” to overthrow the power of President Rodrigo Duttett.
In a Manila Times report Tuesday, former US ambassador to the Philippines Philip Goldberg is said to have left a “blueprint” for Dutt ‘s overthrow or “suggest that the US State Department remove the Philippine presidential office.
Manila press correspondent Molly Koscina in response to the report said that the US embassy “flatly denied” the claim in the article.
“The alliance between the two countries is one of the most enduring and important relations in the Asia-Pacific region,” he said. “It is based on the common sacrifices of democracy and human rights and the powerful human-to-human relations. People and society. ”
“We continue to focus on our extensive relationship with the Philippines and will work together in many areas of common interest to improve the livelihood of the Filipino people and preserve our common democratic values.
The US State Department had previously denied any involvement in any Dutu’s plan.