Ubin bike crash landed maid in intensive care for 10 days



A Sunday outing on Pulau Ubin landed a Filipino domestic worker in intensive care for 10 days, during which she underwent two operations on her swelling brain.

Ms Calapini Marilou Garcia, 50, had gone cycling on the island with two friends on Sept 27.

After the friends reached the bottom of a slope, there was no sign of Ms Marilou.

After waiting for a while, they backtracked and were shocked to see Ms Marilou lying on the ground in a daze next to her rented bicycle.

The three friends did not wear bike helmets.

Two passers-by who stopped to help called the police.

One of the friends, Ms Clarissa Rigdao, told The New Paper: “She was still conscious. There were no bruises or bleeding, but she kept saying that she was feeling giddy as she was lying on my lap.”

While they were waiting for the police to arrive, Ms Clarissa knew something was seriously wrong when Ms Marilou started vomiting.

Her employer, Madam Jeanette Mok, told TNP that Ms Marilou was conscious when she was taken to Changi General Hospital, but her condition deteriorated quickly.


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