This sports interview is the funniest thing you’ll see today



Japanese pool player Naoyuki Oi doesn’t speak English fluently but that didn’t stop him from giving an impressive performance in a post-match interview:

Oi beat Cheng Yu Hsuan 8-6 at the World Pool Master tournament in Gibraltar on Saturday and was being interviewed by Sky Sports presenter Tony Wrighton.

“My name is Naoyuki Oi and I am very, very lucky,” he said. “Congratulations me! Yay!”

Then he replied to the questions with quotes from the “Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen” song that went viral last year and by saying “no problem”. That’s quite something.

Unfortunately, Oi lost his quarter-final match. But he gave his final interview, and it was brilliant:

on Twitter

Back in 2015, Oi summarised his pool philosophy in an interview before the World Cup of Pool. And it’s something we should all get on board with:

“Maybe lose? Enjoy! No problem.”

Read the original article here.

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Read also: Chinese swimmer’s dramatic facial expressions go viral

Publication Date:
Tuesday, February 21, 2017 – 10:38
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This Japanese pool player’s post-match interview is the funniest thing you’ll see today
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