This Singapore therapy dog fulfilled a patient's last wish and is a 'miracle worker' to some



Fluffy & Famous is a weekly video series where we interview “infurrencers”, a term we coined for famous fur kids who aren’t like your regular influencers on Instagram.

This week, we follow Onyx the therapy dog to work where he brings smiles and comfort to the patients in Assisi Hospice. Some dogs are more than just good bois, they’re angels disguised in fur. 

Infurrencer’s Profile

  • Name: Onyx the Therapy Dog
  • Instagram handle: @hachimonster.onyxbaby
  • Number of followers: Instagram 2.7k, Facebook 3.9k
  • Date of Birth: Dec 6, 2013

We’ve heard of the saying, “dogs are a man’s best friend” and they truly are, especially for Onyx, a six-year-old Schnauzer.

Onyx may look like just another carefree, happy dog if you see him on the street, but unlike any ordinary pupper, Onyx has been volunteering as a therapy dog for the past five years. 


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