This made my day: Young men help change woman's burst tyre in pouring rain on SLE



It can be difficult for motorists to get a helping hand during fine weather, much less in the pouring rain.

However, three young men braved the elements to help a female motorist and her child who were stranded on the Seletar Expressway (SLE).

In a Facebook post, Loh Wai Peng recounted driving home on Saturday (Sept 26) with her son at around 11.30pm.

They were travelling down the expressway when her car starting slowing down after she heard a loud pop. She stopped to check on the car and found that a tyre had burst.

Not knowing how to change tyres, the woman had to call for a tow truck. But getting the insurer to arrange for a towing frustrated the driver.

The insurer was unable to locate her policy because its system was down, Loh said, and she couldn’t recall her policy number.

Desperate for help, she raised her voice over the call and told the insurer that she would pay for the towing first.

Her son started crying as “he thought they would not be able to go home and they would be caught in a flood” due to the downpour, she wrote.


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