This made my day: Hawker in Chinatown helps shell cockles for elderly customer with stiff joints



With stiff joints in his hands, one wheelchair-bound elderly man would’ve found it difficult to indulge in a bowl of blood cockles, had it not been for the stall owner taking time out to shell each one for him.

The touching scene, which warmed the cockles of many hearts, was captured by reader a few days ago at People’s Park Food Centre in Chinatown, Shin Min Daily News reported.

The owner in question, 52-year-old Pat Phua, runs Super Star No1 Penang Assam Laksa.

According to Phua, the man, who appeared to be in his 70s, had visited her stall twice in the past week, and both times she’d help to shell the cockles for him.

“If memory serves me right, this uncle actually came by quite a while ago, but because I was too busy I wasn’t able to help him. He didn’t say anything either,” she told the Chinese daily.


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