This Made My Day: Chinatown restaurant gives away thousands of meals to the needy during Circuit Breaker



While some elderly folks insist on having their meals in hawker centres, others are queueing up in Chinatown for a free meal to fill their bellies.

Since the circuit breaker started, a Japanese restaurant along Club Street has been giving away meals for lunch and dinner daily to the needy living in the area.

Seeing how many Singaporeans’ livelihoods are impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, the owners of Naga Imo decided to help.

On April 8, the restaurant started to distribute 200 boxes of food at two locations — Chinatown and Jalan Kukoh.

“When we realised the amount we had prepared didn’t meet the demand, we increased the quantity to 220 meals a day,” Bernard Teo, 39, told AsiaOne.

The eatery has distributed close to 4,600 meals to date.


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