This complaint about a tissue packet might be the most Singaporean thing you see this year



If only there’s something that can truly showcase the Singaporean facet of being puritanically penny-pinching. Something that reveals just how tremendously cheap and calculative some of us can be. 

Ah, here’s one. Naturally, we found it on a Singaporean boomer-frequented portal on Facebook: the Complaint Singapore page

A fastidious Facebook user who goes by the name of Raven Qiu felt the need to share online about how he felt utterly grifted by the NTUC FairPrice supermarket chain. How so? Why, none other than the felony of only having seven sheets of wipes — instead of the explicitly stated 10 — in a house-brand packet of facial tissues. 

Judging from Raven’s tone, this pretty much should be considered a serious crime. “Be careful… what you buy (at a) discounted price, (you) might be getting short-changed as well,” he concluded in his now-viral video. 


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