Things to do this #StayHome weekend: Visit Japan's poo museum, watch local and Asian movies online & more



Being cooped up at home during the circuit breaker can be unsettling but we all have a part to play to keep Singapore safe! Not sure how to pass time during this period? We’ve got your back!

Something you can do

Visit Japan’s poo museum online

In true Japanese-tradition, Japan has managed to even turn excrement into something Instagrammable and cute. Opened in Yokohama last year, the Unko Museum or literally Poo Museum, is dedicated to all things poop-y. 

While visitors would originally have to travel to Japan and pay 1800 yen (S$24) to check out the museum, you can now view select displays for free, starting from May 1. The museum can be accessed online from 12pm.

Virtual guests can use poo backgrounds for their video calls or check out some very crappy drawings by local celebrities or contribute their own with the template attached to this tweet.


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