The Straits Times is going wild with its weather tweets, and people don’t know what to think



It’s tough to get people excited about the weather.

And it’s even tougher in tropical Singapore, where it’s pretty much only wet or dry every day.

So the country’s national newspaper appears to have taken it upon itself to spice up its weather updates, by slipping in the odd quip and pop-culture reference:

on Twitter

on Twitter

The twitter account occasionally channels Rihanna:

on Twitter

You can never go wrong with puns:

on Twitter

It’s sometimes #TMI, tbh:

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And sometimes the Twitter account just makes up sounds.

on Twitter

The account has even responded to followers with puns:

on Twitter

The suddenly off-the-cuff tone of the tweets have confused Singaporeans, however.

Many people are wondering if they’re the work of an enthusiastic intern:

on Twitter

on Twitter

Some never want the “intern” to leave:

on Twitter

on Twitter

But people don’t seem to be able to decide whether Straits Times’ weather tweets should go back to being boring or not:

on Twitter

on Twitter

on Twitter

on Twitter

on Twitter

on Twitter

Read the full article here.

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Publication Date:
Tuesday, February 7, 2017 – 12:05
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