The regional haze crisis outlined in a sequence from The Office blows up on Reddit and Twitter



Any respectable fan of The Office (the American version at least) would find it hard to argue that the two-parter episode Stress Relief is the finest hour of the long-running series. 

Anyone living in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore would find it hard to argue as well that the currently ongoing transboundary haze crisis is one of the worst ones seen in years. 

Because it’s 2019 and anything can be meme-ified these days, the haze situation received a hilariously apt treatment via an ill-advised simulated fire drill. You can thank Malaysian netizen and serial Office memelord Izyan (@Izy0122 on Twitter) for this one. 

Some context for non-Office fans. The cold open for this episode — that premiered 10 years ago, damn we’re old — has the company’s Assistant (to the) Regional Manager Dwight Schrute being unhappy with how his co-workers aren’t taking his fire safety talk seriously. Being the lovable sociopath he is, Dwight decides to impart fire safety skills for real by setting the office ablaze, and shenanigans ensue. That scene gets combined with how Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore are reacting to the haze.


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