#LETTERS Unless the poor are helped, the hungry fed, and the unemployed given jobs, it is always controversial to dish out heavy punishments for those who committed petty crimes and personal sins. Whatever the polemics, one can always argue some crimes may be committed out of necessity or circumstances.
The fallacy of harsh punishments
Unless the poor are helped, the hungry fed, and the unemployed given jobs, it is always controversial to dish out heavy punishments for those who committed petty crimes and personal sins. Whatever the polemics, one can always argue some crimes may be committed out of necessity or circumstances.
So true
yeah if u want more pas hadi RM90MILLION HUDUD will give u the best of the best!! and we are no go on hudud!!
The poor,uneducated are easier to be manipulated especially by using religion and also by dishing out dedak.
yes, for those who rape and murder someone’s daughter must be punished with 1 stroke and fine up to rm 1000.
the world since second world saw saw many torture n brutal death-even today it never stop somewhere i n our world..to make this world another heaven doom to failuer cos earth is hell.its no different from dinosaur age.
If these moollahs were seriously serious, they would’ve been more vocal in the MO1 case where the rakyat’s money was siphoned off for MO1’s own gain. These moollahs & Diapermen are the biggest in-your-face hypocrites.
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