The average salaries for graduates at Singapore’s private education institutes


Singapore’s Committee for Private Education released the results of its Private Education Institution (PEI) Graduate Employment Survey (GES) on November 15, finding that the overall employment rate of fresh graduates from PEIs six months after their final examinations was 84.3 per cent, including full-time, part-time, freelance, and contract work.

Surveying students from 40 PEIs, the survey was conducted in partnership with SkillsFuture Singapore, where 32 per cent of the 11,003 graduates invited shared responses. Taking into account just full-time permanent employment, the employment rate was 60.1 per cent. In comparison, the corresponding figures for autonomous universities (AU – NUS, NTU, SMU, SUTD, SIT) were 89.6 per cent and 79.9 per cent respectively.

The survey also showed that the median gross monthly salary of the graduates from PEIs in full-time permanent employment was S$2,550, compared to that of fresh AU graduates at S$3,325, and that of fresh and post-National Service polytechnic graduates at S$2,180 and S$2,517 respectively.

The following are the median gross monthly salaries for fresh graduates in PEIs:

Singapore Institute of Management – S$2,600

Kaplan Higher Education Academy – S$2,500

Curtin Education Centre – S$2,500

Management Development Institute of Singapore – S$2,450

Air Transport Training College – S$2,000

East Asia Institute of Management – S$1,950

SMF Institute of Higher Learning – S$2,400

James Cook University – S$2,150

Raffles College of Higher Education – S$2,400

ERC Institute – S$2,550

TMC Academy – S$2,650

Further, there are PEIs with less than 10 fresh graduate respondents, either due to small enrolment or low response rate. While their results are not reported, the PEIs are listed below.

PEIs with 10 or more graduates, but fewer than 10 respondents:

Auston Institute of Management

BMC International College

Dimensions International College

First Media Design School

FTMSGlobal Academy

Informatics Academy

Nanyang Institute of Management

Ngee Ann-Adelaide Education Centre

Parkway College of Nursing and Allied Health

PSB Academy

SDH Institute

SHRM College

Stansfield College

PEIs with fewer than 10 graduates from full-time EDPs:

Amity Global Institute

Beacon International College

ITC School of Laws

Singapore Raffles Music College

Teg International College

Brandon Lee, Director-General (Private Education), SkillsFuture Singapore, commented on future planning for private education in Singapore, “The Committee for Private Education will also continue to review its requirements periodically to ensure that consumers’ interests are protected and PEIs meet minimum standards.”

CaptionPhoto: Credits


Tuesday, November 21, 2017 – 08:30

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