Teens steal over $8,000 worth of liquor and cigarettes from shop



His friends had broken into the shop three nights before and had stolen $500 worth of liquor and cigarettes. But the teens wanted more.

Ethan Kwan Kuan Rong, 16, joined the group with another friend.

And together, the six of them stole more than $8,000 worth of liquor and cigarettes from Yeo Buan Heng Liquor Shop on Oct 16 last year.

The court previously heard that at about 2am on Oct 16 last year, the teens, who were aged 14 to 18 at the time, met and planned to break into the shop at 27 Chander Road.

While waiting for the shop to close, police officers chanced upon the group and took down their particulars before telling them to go home.

But they did not, and at about 4am, they broke in through the back door.

They stole more than $1,900 worth of cigarettes and $6,000 of alcohol, including a three-litre bottle of Martell Cordon Bleu worth about $1,500.

They also stole $30 in cash and a cheque for $735.

A few hours later, the police were notified of the break-in.

The teens were arrested, and most of the items were recovered and returned.


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