Taiwan ministry believes murder suspect was on drugs


TAIPEI, Taiwan — Former head of the Child Welfare League and Kuomintang (KMT) legislator Wang Yu-min on Monday, March 28 called for a revision of Criminal Law, to sentence murderers of children younger than 12 either to death or to life imprisonment.

Wang’s statement came following public outrage over the death of a 4-year-old girl, who was decapitated by a man in Taipei earlier on Monday.

Similar cases in the past have often resulted in disagreement from people regarding the use of the death penalty, but any passing of laws should take public opinion into account, said Wang.

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嫌犯剛剛走出警局,立刻引來群眾包圍,群情激憤。  直播:http://goo.gl/9aixbE殺童案兇嫌步出派出所 民眾激動叫罵、怒吼:http://goo.gl/Zv28aA   #內湖 #命案 #女童 #割喉 #隨機殺人 #女童割喉斷頭命案 #女童割喉 #內湖割喉 #西湖派出所

Posted by 三立新聞 on Monday, March 28, 2016

“This is too unfair for the child. There is no way anybody who cares about children could accept anything like this,” said Wang. “I hope the Legislature can soon add this to the review agenda.”

New Power Party (NPP) Legislator Freddy Lim, who previously advocated against capital punishment, said to local media that he felt great sadness and anger about the murder, but also that a nation’s criminal system must be assessed with care.

Society is now overwhelmed with rage and grief, so it will be better to discuss the issue at a later time, emphasised Lim.

Also, the Child Welfare League urged the government to force mental illness patients that refuse to seek treatment to receive medical help, in order to prevent “ticking time bombs from existing in communities.”

Publication Date: 
Tuesday, March 29, 2016 – 10:18
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