Synthetic cannabis oil and 1.6kg of heroin seized


SINGAPORE: Four people have been arrested in two separate drug raids conducted by the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) on Feb 7 and 8.

In the first case, CNB said a 21-year-old Singaporean had ordered drugs online. A suspicious parcel containing a packet of vegetable matter – believed to be cannabis – and four bottles of suspected synthetic cannabis oil were referred to CNB on Tuesday.

Following investigations, officers raided his residence and discovered four more bottles of suspected synthetic cannabis oil.

Suspected synthetic cannabis oil seized in an operation. (Photo: CNB)

In a separate operation the next day, officers arrested three suspected drug traffickers and recovered about 1.6kg of heroin with an estimated street value of more than S$111,000, said CNB.

The raid was conducted at the apartment of a suspected Singaporean drug trafficker at Jurong West Street 52. According to CNB, about 240g of heroin was found hidden in a pair of shoes at a shoe rack outside the unit and in the storeroom, about 1,350g of heroin was recovered.

A total of S$97,500 in cash was also found hidden inside the refrigerator.

Meanwhile, two Malaysian men – aged 30 and 33 – were arrested at a carpark nearby for suspected drug trafficking. The younger suspect was carrying S$6,900 in cash, said CNB.

Investigations into both cases are ongoing. The Misuse of Drugs Act provides for the death penalty if the amount of diamorphine (or pure heroin) trafficked exceeds 15g. That amount is equivalent to 1,250 straws, which is sufficient to feed the addiction of about 180 abusers for a week, said CNB.

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