Support local: How to set up a fully Singaporean work-from-home workstation



When 2020 kicked off, none of us foresaw how the majority of the year would be spent cooped up indoors.

But judging from how the health crisis continues to unfold globally, it looks like we’ll be working from home (at least, for those of us privileged enough to do so) for the months to come as well. Home office set-ups can’t be make-shift anymore — you need a proper working space that’s not a kitchen counter, a mahjong table or a little dark nook inside your storeroom. 

So yes, you’re gonna want to build a permanent workstation. An optimal one, too, that offers enough surface area and gizmos to do your daily tasks comfortably. 

WFH solutions are aplenty, but to switch it up a little (plus, this makes for great National Day patriotic content), allow us to point you to Singapore brands and businesses that offer all you need to work and play at home. Toss a coin to your compatriots — they need all the help they can get as we all wade into the new normal. 


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