Successful entrepreneur lost her child, went bankrupt and got divorced – and she's only 34



For every inspiring Hercules figure in our lives, there are perhaps a dozen excuses we hold ourselves back by saying, “That can’t be me.”

Leza Klenk asked why that can’t be her.

Now, the 34-year-old Singaporean is the founder and CEO of million-dollar beauty tech company Spendless, an award-winning entrepreneur, a serial investor and a highly sought-after speaker.

At the core of it all, she’s also a loving mother of three.

And that’s where it all started, really.

When Leza married her first husband at the young age of 20, she had no lofty dreams or ideals. Running a business or being a CEO was probably one of the last things to ever cross her mind.

She only has an O-level certificate, having dropped out of school at 17 due to financial difficulties.

Swopping places with husband

When Leza started her first business, the then-housewife had only intended to earn some side income for her children.


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