Stolen A-Level scripts: 75 of 238 affected students will re-sit Chemistry Paper 3


The 238 students, whose final A-Level Chemistry grades were derived through a projection, had the option of re-taking the Chemistry Paper 3 in April or November, and have the better of the two grades recorded on their result slips and certificates.


File photo of a student taking the 2017 A-Level Chemistry paper. (Photo: Ruyi Wong)

SINGAPORE: Of the 238 students whose A-Level Chemistry scripts were stolen in the United Kingdom last year, 75 have opted to be re-examined for the affected paper, the Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board (SEAB) told Channel NewsAsia on Monday.

The students, who received their A-Level results on Feb 23, are from Anderson JC, Anglo-Chinese JC (ACJC), Hwa Chong Institution (HCI) and Nanyang JC (NYJC). The stolen scripts were for Paper 3, which consists of free-response questions and carries a weightage of 35 per cent of the entire H2 Chemistry examination.

The final A-Level grades of the affected students were derived through a projection. But given the “unique circumstances”, the affected students were given the option to re-sit the H2 Chemistry Paper 3 in April or November, and have the better of their two grades recorded in their A-Level result slip and certificate.

Those who wished to register for the re-examination had to do so by Friday (Mar 9). 

SEAB said that of the 75, there were 28 students each from AJC, and ACJC, seven from HCI and 12 from NYJC. 

Out of the total, 57 of the candidates registered for the re-examination in April, while 18 registered for the re-examination in November.

The scripts were stolen out of a locked courier’s van in the UK while in transit to the examiners for marking. Cambridge Assessment said it was reviewing their processes to ensure the security of examination papers and scripts, and “safeguard the integrity of our national examinations”.

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